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I looked at the doctor as he walked away. His threat to ban me didn't scare me at all. If  I don't get that signature today, I must return tomorrow. I closed my eyes and waited.

"Why are you here?"

I turned around to see the person who asked me the irrelevant question.

She was dressed to the nines, six inch heels, hair perfectly laid, waist snatched in her skimpy bandage dress and her face was a perfect blend of makeup.

"I should be asking you that question"
I said firmly. My grip on the documents in my hand tightened.

She laughed humourlessly before responding.

"I came here for my Barry. I'm sure he doesn't want you here, so run along now" she mocked.

I was going to slap her but then I saw the doctor walking towards us as if there was a mob chasing him. I got up and rushed towards the room Barry was in.

I got into the room and locked it.

"Sign this document you disgusting piece of shit" I yelled and tossed a pen at him.

Barry looked startled, the pen fell on his leg and he didn't make any attempt to pick it up. I opened the document in front of him and held out another pen for him.

"I won't sign anything. I will not sign away my daughter to you." he actually had the audacity to shove my hand away.

"A daughter you've rejected for almost six years? Cut the crap, you have amnesia doesn't mean you're no longer a bastard. Stop pretending and sign" I yelled at him.

"Open the door Selena" the doctor said as he knocked continuously. Selena number two was also talking, but i didn't hear her, I filtered her annoying high pitch voice out of my hand.

"You think I'm playing with you? Sign this document now or I swear you won't like what I will do to you" I threatened.

"How did I end up marrying you? You are really a wicked woman. Is it money that you want?" He was angry. Well so was I.

I ignored him and walked towards the door. I opened it to the complete shock of everyone knocking. I didn't wait for them to recover, I pulled Selena by the hair and dragged her in before tossing her to the floor. Her scream would have been music to my ears if it wasn't so annoying.

she shrieked massaging her scalp. She struggled to get up but I kicked her back down.

There was a round of gasps.

"Selena I'll have to ask you to leave " the doctor said sternly.

"Which one?" I mocked but I didn't wait for any response. " as you can see, this is is a family affair, let me handle my issues and leave quietly. Stop creating a scene." I told him before returning my gaze to the stunned patient.

"This woman wailing at my feet is your mistress. She has a son for you, a result of your six year affair. I don't want a single penny from you, just give me my freedom. Barry sign that damn paper let me be on my way" I said calmly actually suprising myself.

Barry was tongue tied and stunned. He looked ashamed. Selena number two crawled to him and tried to hold his hand but he flinched.

"Selena you should have listened to me. This isn't the time or place"  The doctor whispered furiously into my ear. The nurses were whispering amongst themselves, what a fun day at work this must be for them.

"I honestly don't care. Why do you even think you have a right to comment on this Matthew? Let me divorce this pig in peace and be on my way" I didn't whisper. I looked straight into Barry's eyes as I said it.

"Shut up you needy bitch. Doctor, my Barry isn't looking at me. Is he alright? Selena asked.

Barry looked at her at the question, everyone in the room did. No one said anything or did anything. Well except me.

I stepped forward. "What did you just call me?" My voice was low and calm.

"A bi..." I didn't let her finish, I gave her a resounding slap. The slap sent her flying towards Barry.

"If you ever in your miserable life insult me again, I will teach you a lesson you will not forget in a hurry am I clear?"

She was whimpering and holding her cheeks totally ignoring me.

"Am I clear?" I snapped.

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