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All my life I saw making new friends as one of the most difficult things to do in the world. Now I can boldly say I'm a social butterfly. In my bid to reconcile with my best friend Kayla, I have become friends with half of her staff and they feed me information as to when she is available or not.

I visited her office but she refused to see anyone without an appointment. I think she just hates me because when I tried to make an appointment, I was told she's fully booked for ten years. The receptionist felt bad for me so we became friends. The receptionist introduced me to Kayla's assistant and the rest is history.

"She just left the office now and she's going to have lunch. I've texted you the address. Goodluck."

I thanked the man and quickly got dressed before heading out. Hopefully this time, she won't walk out on me and actually listen to me. Apart from reconciliation, I have to save her family fortune.

I arrived at the restaurant and it took a few minutes to spot her from my car. She was in a corner, holding a document in one hand and a pastry in the other hand. I waited till she had food in her mouth before going to her. She wouldn't stand up to leave with a mouth full of food right?

When she spotted me, she ignored me. Not even standing up or trying to leave. That's a first. Now what am I going to say? Should I just start with an apology? Should I ask how she's been first or that comes after?

"Kayla hello. What a coincidence to see you here. This is like my ultimate favourite restaurant. Wow what a small world" I had a big nervous smile on my face. I have succeeded in making an utter fool of myself, I wanted the ground to open and swallow me up.

I was going to continue spewing my nonsense when Kayla spoke up.

"Is this what you've been following me around for weeks for?" She was not amused.

"Kayla I am sorry. I am truly really sorry. Please forgive me" I apologised immediately not biting around the bush anymore.

"I forgive you" She had no smile on her face. No reaction at all. Just firm words and a straight face.

"Ummm so what have you been up to?" I asked adjusting in my seat awkwardly.

"Look Selena. I don't have time for this. If you think we're ever going to be friends again after the way you treated me, you're terribly mistaken. It's been eight years, you chose this path for us so I ask you to maintain the energy you had eight years ago" she stood up and walked towards the door. I sat there dumbfounded for a bit before snapped out of it and rushed after her.

"Kayla please listen to me" I begged blocking her from entering her car.

"Listen to what? That you finally left that imp and the scales have fallen off your eyes? She snapped.

Well that and your brother is about to marry the woman who aided in liberating me.

"I know I wronged you. I was a fool. I realized my mistake too late and i felt ashamed to see you. I just hope you can truly forgive me" I begged her and moved out of the way.

"You claimed to be my best friend, yet someone told one lie about me and you believed it. Why would I want that nincompoop you married? He came on to me, and lied that I seduced him and you took his side and kicked me out of your life like a worthless thing now you want me to be chummy with you? You must have lost your mind." she was fuming.

"I know i have. I'm so sorry and I miss you so much" and with that I pulled her into a tight completely one sided hug. She struggled to break free before giving in. Not to brag but my best friend gives the warmest hugs.

"I only forgive you for old time sake. I miss you too" my bestie said as she wiped her tears.

We had a really tearful reunion. We did most of the reconnection in her home. My best friend is now married with two kids. I missed out on everything.

"She looks just like you" I gushed as I looked at the baby pictures. The children were currently at school and her husband at work so we had the house all to ourselves.

"I know right. My own twin. Too bad she also inherited my attitude" she said and we both laughed. Next she showed me her wedding pictures.

"Your brother was your maid of honour?" We planned to be each other's maids of honour. Unfortunately I ruined everything.

"Yea Micheal stepped up. Someone broke my heart and I wasn't in any mood to look for new maid of honour"

I know I'm someone. "I'm so sorry Kayla" I apologised again.

"It's okay. I hate you a little less now" she said with a smile.

"Speaking of Micheal, how is he? Is he married? I asked feigning ignorance. I can't just flat out say what I know, I need something to lead to it.

"He's getting married next week in France." She was no longer smiling.

"Really? Wow. Why France though?" I mean I wouldn't be shocked if Selena is the mastermind behind that. The girl loves to travel after all.

" He proposed to his fiancee there so they just wanted to get married there too." She took a sip of her juice and stared into nothing. Like she was thinking about something.

"How romantic. He must truly love her" I felt so bad for Michael. Hopefully I'm not too late to save him.

"He really does. But that gold miner is only with him for the money yet he's too blind to see it" there it is. This is where I make my move.

"What? You should do something about that. I married that gold digging Barry and look how I ended up. Do you have a photo of her maybe I might know her" I should take acting classes because I suck.

I think Kayla noticed too but she didn't say anything.

"I have one picture of her, Micheal sent it two weeks ago but I deleted it. Hopefully it'll be here, I haven't emptied my recently deleted" She pulled out her phone from her bag and after searching for a minute she showed me a picture of Selena. Time to express shock.

"She's the one? What? This woman is honestly everywhere. I don't believe this" I expressed my shock.

"You know her?" Kayla asked curiously

"She is Barry's girlfriend, his fiancee and baby mama" I didn't need to act for this one.


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