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I fought the good fight and I have finished the race. The wedding was cancelled and Selena or Michelle whatever her name is, took to sending me threats. I simply got a restraining order against her. I don't take threats against my life lightly anymore.

She also did me a huge favour, by sending me links to see the other children Barry fathered. Maybe she thought I would be heart broken and saddened. I was not. You know when you've endured something for so long and when you decide to stop, nothing can affect you anymore? That is how I am now.

I took a deep breath as I stared at the picture of my daughters siblings. Yes I also investigated to see if that serial liar was telling the truth. And as it appears, she was.

Two daughters, Annabelle and Sophia from two different women. And as it appears, they seem to be in contact with each other. They created a whole YouTube video on their children meeting for the first time and subsequent videos of them playing together.

It really made me wonder. Have I been selfish? As to keep my daughter away from her siblings? I know I only knew about the existence of one, but I did not make one single effort to get them introduced. I did not even tell my daughter she had a brother. And now the boy's mother hates me to the core of her being.

I spoke to my mother about it and she encouraged me not to rush anything and to thoroughly think things through and prepare myself and Mariana. I also spoke to Kayla and David.

Kayla was supportive and encouraged me to meet the Instagram model mamas but not Selena. David was neither here nor there, he just encouraged me to do what I believe is right.

I decided to go for it. I set up a meeting with moms of the two girls. They were so chill and happy I reached out. Of course there was some Barry bashing. Yes they both knew he was married but they only found out after they got pregnant.

Annabelle's mom said Barry asked  her to have an abortion because he was married and that's how she found out. Sophia's mom found out when Annabelle's mom called him out on Instagram.

I just wanted to get feel if they were good people for my daughter to be around and I have to say, I was a bit stereotypical. Judging from their Instagram page, you would take them to be shallow minded or whatever but these women proved me wrong.

I invited them to my daughter's birthday party and the rest is history. Mariana was so excited to have sisters. She did not even question why her sister had other mothers, it was like she knew exactly why. Children are definitely more knowledgeable than we think.

As for Selena, I did not even dream of contacting her and I did not need to. She moved to another state however she left her son with his babysitter.

How do I know this? Well I'm staring at the boy right now. She blames me and this innocent boy for being the reason her marriage fell through. Can somebody tell her?

The babysitter reported to the police who found out his father in jail so who is the next person they approach after Barry practically sends them to my door? Me of course. It's either me or CPS takes him.

My mother warned me against it, so did Kayla. What responsibility did I have to this kid to take him in? His father will definitely milk this to remain in contact with me. I let CPS take him. I had to ensure Barry understands that I owe him nothing to do him any favours.

But then I couldn't sleep at night. So I volunteered to foster the child. Mariana was the perfect big sister. I also introduced him to Sophia and Annabelle. Out of all Barry's children, he's the only one who has experienced his father's love and attention and he had stories to tell whilst the girls listened probably wishing they had the same experience.

My life became really peaceful. I quit my job at the company to become inactive as before. I set up a foundation for men and women to provide free therapy sessions and marriage counselling for those going through marital issues. It opened my eyes to the fact that a lot of people were suffering.

Women who come in battered but refuse to leave their husband because he is their only means of livelihood. Men who also go through domestic violence but don't want to speak in order not be ridiculed.

I thought cheating was probably the worst thing but I realized I had it easy. These people were battling for their lives. I could have easily just packed my bags and buy a house the next day mortgage free. But these people? They didn't have that privilege. So I gave it to them.

I provided lawyers, housing, capital for business and most times jobs to help those who were willingly to start over. For those who wanted to continue the fight, i provided therapy and spiritual guidance and other tools to fight with. I finally found what I was passionate about and my goodness did it feel amazing.

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