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Mariana got her ice cream and was happily enjoying it. She looked so happy just having Ice cream. We sat at a corner and I deliberately sat backing the whole restaurant I didn't want to see Selena and her son.


I froze. Mariana was waving now and  was grinning at someone behind me. I didn't need to turn.

"Mariana let's go honey. I'll get you a whole truck of ice cream for your birthday" I tried to bribe her and get out of here. I still didn't turn.

"Mommy why isn't Daddy coming over? Why is he there?" She asked confused.

How was I going to explain now? That her father had another family? I was done trying to bribe her. I reached over and grabbed her carefully leading her out from behind the table. She didn't struggle, her entire focus was on her father. Her ice cream forgotten.

When I turned I understood why Mariana was so engrossed. Barry was playing with his son and smiling widely at him. He never played with Mariana, he never smiled at her. He was now kissing the boy all over causing him to giggle.

"Hello" Someone stood in my way, blocking my few of the happy family.

"Can I help you?" I looked at the stranger. As I looked up, I realised I had tears running down. I quickly covered my face with my palm. This was beyond embarrassing.

The stranger looked down at Mariana, she was still engrossed in the sight. Seeing a new side of her Father she didn't know existed.

"Mari let's go" I pulled her out of there. Barry didn't even acknowledge us. Selena on the other hand was smirking so hard. She had Barry. He truly did love her.

"Hey excuse me ma'am? The stranger was  now coming towards me as I buckled Mari in her seat.

"Can I help you?" I snapped.

"Sorry to disturb you ma'am, but I noticed whatever that was in the store and I wanted to make sure you're alright"

"I am fine thank you" I got into the car. I took a deep breath just as I was about to start the car, Mariana regained her speech.

"Was that really my Daddy? You said Daddy didn't know how to show he loved me, why was showing that boy?" She asked softly and accusingly. I winced.

The stranger was still outside looking at us. This man was seriously starting to creep me out.

"We'll talk at home Mari"

"No, I want to know now" she screamed.

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