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My mom finally came over. She was impressed by the house, and now she was pressurising me to change my wardrobe. In as much as Barry subjected me to big shapeless clothes, I like my style because it is very comfortable.

"You always look like you're wearing a dress made out of your bedcovers" my mom complained.

"I do not. This is a minimalist style." I defended myself. My mom rolled her eyes and sipped her coffee.

"Minimalist style indeed. You are a young and beautiful woman, you should be dressing like one. I am your mother yet you dress like my great grand mother"
My mom was seriously dragging me without mercy.

Our bickering was interrupted by my phone. An unknown number was calling and the same number has been calling for nearly a week now.

"Why is this person disturbing me?" I snapped and rejected the call. I was about to block the number but my mom spoke and distracted me.

"Who is the person? Is it your estranged husband? " my mom asked, it was obvious the word husband left a bitter taste in her mouth.

"It might be, I don't know" I shrugged. The number called again and my mom encouraged me to pick up. If it's Barry or Selena number two, I  can just hang up.

"Hello?" The voice on the phone was that of woman. Was she waiting for a reply?

"Mmhmmm?" Was my only reply. Just that sound from me prompted her to start talking. She was a nurse and Barry was in an accident, she wanted to inform me and the doctor wants to speak to a family member.

"How does it concern me? What is my business? Don't you have his Mistress's number? Why are you calling me? I snapped at the nurse.

"I don't have another contact info, you're the only one listed here" the nurse pleaded.

"Check his phone. I don't bloody care, stop disturbing me. He has insurance to pay the bills, why are you disturbing me?? I hung up immediately without waiting for an answer.

"Who was that?" My mother asked sipping her coffee without breaking eye contact with me.

"Some nurse, Barry got into an accident" I informed her nonchalantly.

"Is he alive?"

I couldn't tell if she cared or not. Her voice held no emotion at all.

"I didn't ask. She wants me to come to the hospital, but I'm not going anywhere" I replied. I honestly didn't care one bit if he dies or lives. It's his business.

"You know you are still his wife legally right? I told you to get a divorce lawyer and get this over with, you did not listen now you want to become his widow. Any legal issues or debts he has, you can inherit it. Is that what you want for yourself?? Better pray he does not die yet and fix this. You're not a child and I don't need to keep reminding you to get a damn divorce" my mother snapped. She looked so annoyed and she took it out on the cup. She slammed it down on the table and went to the guest room.

I did not want to imagine the enormous amount of troubles Barry may have that could be passed to me. I quickly called my dad's lawyer to link me to a good divorce lawyer. He quickly sent me an address and a phone number. I had to go the lawyer's office to discuss the issue extensively.

Mariana was asleep so I made her dinner and put it in the fridge, I also made food for my mom. I used a sticky note to indicate that there was food in the fridge. Making dinner made me late for my appointment  with the lawyer. I had to rush out immediately to meet up.

The meeting was successful, the lawyer agreed to help me, but he advised me to wait a bit for Barry to recover so we could discuss the division of assets. He also encouraged me to do a DNA test to prove Mariana's legitimacy so she can be entitled to child support and other benefits. Now I had to get Barry's DNA.

I might go to that hospital after all.

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