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"As much as I also want him to pay, do you want this kind of revenge when you'll end up hurting the most? Didn't you hear what Beyonce said? That the "best revenge is your paper"? Get rid of that extra luggage and start winning. If you take his properties and money and subject yourself to being connected to him through Mariana can you handle it? All the birthdays, graduation and whatever he'll attend with his mistresses?You think it's going to be easy? You think that cockroach Barry will allow you take his assets just like that? You want a long bloody divorce? You want Mariana to experience that?" My mother was on a roll.

"first of all, how do you know Beyonce and secondly how is he going to pay for ruining my life?" I couldn't help but ask.

"I saw the quote somewhere, learn to read honey and he did not ruin your life. Your life is far from ruined. You are young, beautiful, intelligent and you will recover from this. He was just a stumbling block and you have to jump over him. Don't you think he's already paying? The man has amnesia. And I believe this is just a tip of the ice berg for him. He is being punished already, move on with your life please" she reached over and held my hands.

She was right. I cried a bit before jumping into her arms. When I was all cried out I just kept leaning on her. It was like I was drawing strength from her.

"I want him to know he was wrong though, about Mariana" I said softly

"Well you get a DNA test then" my mom shrugged.

"How mama? I don't have anything to run a test with" I complained.

"Barry is in the hospital where blood samples have been taken countless times. Get in touch with the doctors and get some blood" she said as if it was the most obvious thing to do.

"You think they'll give me some blood?" I was not so sure doctors will hand me his blood just because I asked for it.

"What can you not do with money nowadays? If that doesn't work, practice your negotiating skills my dear. You are a business woman after all"

"How did I end up with fish brains?? I could have taken after you" I cuddled more into my mom's warmth. We started talking about random things.

The next morning I was in a better mood but my mom was not.

"You are paying for my next appointment with a chiropractor" she told me as she went into her room. Her back in her words was killing her.

I got Mariana ready for school and dropped her off before heading to the hospital. I requested to see the doctor in charge of Barry but I wasn't so lucky this time. He was on call and I had to wait. About an hour passed before I could finally see the doctor. If I had stayed longer I would have become an auxiliary nurse.

"How can I help you Madam?" The doctor asked flipping through some documents.

"I need your help doctor?" I announced sitting up and leaning towards the table. He finally looked up to meet my eyes.

"Mrs Selena. What a surprise. With the way you left Barry I would have sworn you would never return" he was amused.

"How did you know?" I asked carefully. Did they have a camera in the room?

"Well Barry told me. What can I do for you?" There was a smile on his face. He was too happy for someone that has been working for hours.

"I need Barry's blood, or spit or fingernail. Please doctor help me" I begged. He was taken aback.

"You want to do a DNA test am I correct?" He asked slowly. I gave an enthusiastic nod.

"We need to ask the patient then" he shrugged.

"No, Please I don't want him to know. Please. I'll pay anything to keep this between us" I was so desperate. This was definitely not how I envisioned this negotiation.

"I don't think I can help you Madam. We need the patients consent." He shook his head.

"You absolutely do not. Tell him it's to run tests to see to his early recovery."

"I am sorry I can't help you. Have a good day Madam" he dismissed me.

"Two thousand. I'll give thousand dollars to do this." I knew two thousand was too much but I had to convince him.

"Two thousand?" He placed his hand on his jaw. "Fifty or nothing" he negotiated.

My eyes nearly popped out of the socket. "Are you joking? I'm not going to give you fifty thousand for spit. I won't give you fifty thousand for anything. Two thousand that's it"

He shrugged "you said you'll pay anything. I guess not".

"Fifty thousand is preposterous. I offered you a sweet deal and you want to ruin it with your greed."

"Me? Greed? Who knows what you want to use that DNA for. Maybe you want to frame the man, but whatever you are planning I want no hand in it, I will not loose my license not even for a million dollars. Now leave my office"

I realise now that I sounded like a crazy person. I had only one option left, I told the doctor everything. Every single thing to the last detail, I didn't even stop when he asked me to stop. I got it off my chest.

"Now will you help me?" I asked hopefully.

"I will have a nurse get a blood sample immediately"

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