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I dropped the spoon and looked at my mom. I swallowed and reached for a cup of water. I was so nervous. After sipping the water I dropped the cup and looked at my mom. Then I opened my mouth.

"I'm getting a divorce"

I waited for a reaction. She didn't say anything. She just pulled a seat and sat down. She just looked at me.

"Come here honey" she said softly. The minute she said that, I burst into tears. I thought I was all cried out. I pulled my seat and threw my arms around her. She rubbed my back and comforted me.

"I'm so sorry for disappointing you Ma" I apologised. "Don't say that Selena. Whatever happened, I'll be here for you" she said softly. I pulled away and sat on my seat. I cleaned my eyes and regained my composure.

"Now tell me, what did that bastard do?" my mom asked. I couldn't help but laugh. I was both amused by what she said and nervous to give her an answer.

"He cheated" I didn't get into the details.

She looked livid. But she didn't say anything, she just placed her hand on mine.

"He doesn't deserve you Selena, don't cry because of him. If you have decided to leave him then do so. Do whatever is best for you" she advised

"That's the thing mom, I didn't decide to leave, he left me. He cheated on me for six years Ma, they even have a son together and he decided to leave me" I finally said it.

"You say??" her Nigerian accent came in with full force. "Selena!" She shouted my name. "Tell me you didn't know all this while" she somewhat begged.

"I knew for three years" I confessed. I was ashamed of myself for saying it. How could I have let myself stay in that situation?

My mom abruptly stood up. "Is that how I raised you? Selena tell me. You made that man Selena and you let him do that to you?" She asked angrily.
"What possessed you? Did he use Jazz? Why didn't you tell me? How can you allow him eat his cake and have it? Selena what happened to your sense?? My mom shouted.

I was just sobbing quietly. I knew she would be disappointed in me. " I don't know Mom, I don't know" I cried. My mom soon wrapped her hands around me hugging me and I sobbed into her shoulder.

"Everything will be alright. This divorce will be one of the best things that will happen to you" she encouraged.

"It just hurts so much" I kept sobbing. Flashes of the sacrifices I made, all the bullshit I endured kept spurring more tears.

"I know, but everything will be fine. Believe me. You're beautiful and amazing, you will be just fine" she assured me.


"Selena have you forgotten who you are? You are my daughter, your father's daughter. Nwanyi siri ike, odogwu nwanyi, what are you crying for a dog for? Thank God you will no longer be have anything to do with that swine. Your only link now is Mariana. Stop crying" my mom encouraged.

It was best to tell her now. Barry wanted nothing to do with my daughter. I just wanted to get everything off my chest. Bearing it alone was choking me.

"He doesn't believe Mariana is his daughter, there will be no link" I informed her.

My mom didn't say anything. The soothing movement of her hand on my back stopped. I wanted to laugh at myself. Just when she thought she'd heard it all.

"Call your father's lawyer. That Ben will rue the day he decided to do this to you" my mom seethed

I snickered. "His name is Barry"


You say: What did you say?!
Jazz: Witchcraft
Nwanyi siri ike: Strong woman
Odogwu Nwanyi: Awesome Woman

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