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I chanted a few "God help me" and I was going to chant maybe twenty more but my phone vibrated. I reached for it and it was message from my mom. That woman and her timing.

I opened the message and it was a link. I wanted to text back but I could she was still typing something so I waited for her to finish before texting her back.

'Follow the link' she finally sent and she didn't even wait for my response before going offline. If it's one of the conspiracy theories she usually sends, I'll totally regret cutting my prayers short for this.

I followed the link. It was a song. I sat down on the floor and prepared to listen to it.

The first verse of the song caught my attention so I decided to keep listening.
I didn't realise when I started crying, my whole body shook and I got back on my knees. I opened my mouth and prayers started pouring out. I didn't know what I was saying, I mean personally I don't how to pray but in that moment I had all the words.

I was praying and screaming on top of my lungs. It soon became tongues. I began speaking in tongues, something I never knew was possible.

I don't know how long I prayed but when I stopped, Mariana was crying in my neighbour's arms. I rushed to her and her crying intensified as I hugged her.

Apparently my screaming woke her. She thought I was being hurt or I was dying so she tried to save me but the door was locked. She called my mom and my mom called Dr. David to check on us. He heard me praying so he comforted Mariana and waited for me to be done, but she did not want to be comforted.

"What time is it?" I asked after I successfully got Mariana to calm down and go back to bed.

"5am" David said with a yawn. He looked so tired and sleepy.

"You can go home now. I'm so sorry for all this, please go home and rest" I was grateful to him for rushing over here when he thought I was in danger but now I'm so embarrassed.

"It's nothing. Mind if I just sleep here?"  He pointed at the couch. " I'm too sleepy to walk back" he added quickly.
I gave a nod and he was out like light.

I stepped outside and called my mom. She just kept calling and I had up to twenty missed calls, and like 50 massages.

"My daughter are you okay? I am on my way already. Please are you okay? My mom's voice was trembling.

"I'm more than fine. No need to come here mom. Don't worry. I am completely fine." I assured her.

"I'm still coming over. I don't care. My grandbaby called me wailing, you think I can peacefully sit at home?"
I had no response to that. I told her to get here safely before ending the call.

I took a deep breath. My heart felt so much lighter, and I couldn't wait to share my experience with my mom. It feels so good to know God loves me, I looked around and took a deep breath. Nothing could take this new found joy in my heart away.

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