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"Grandparents." Willow said while scampering over the back of the sofa and landing next to Luke. Jonathan looked up at them from his newspaper.

"Sue and Kevin are back?" He questioned.

She smiled happily and nodded. "Yup! Today, wanna meet them?" She tapped Luke on the shoulder.

He frowned and looked up at her. "They're technically not my grandparents, or even like...adoptive grandparents though are they?" He paused, "I mean...I have some."

"Right," Willow nibbled on her bottom lip. "Well you two stay here and have fun then, I'm going to meet my folks from the airport."

"Have fun?" Jonathan shot at her and looked at Luke. "Really?"

"I would invite you, Jonathan. But you're 'dead', or are you now missing in action?" Willow shrugged. "Well regardless, you know they don't like you."

"We got on fine at Christmas."

"Last year...a lot has happened since then."

"Yes, you're right."

"I don't think they could cope with seeing you shuffling around."

"I don't shuffle."

"You do shuffle." Luke said quietly while earning a glare from Jonathan. "On second thoughts can I come?"

"Sure," Willow smiled and rocked on her heels. Whistling she caught a hold of Hannibal when he took to jumping up at her. "You can come too!"

Jonathan stood up and walked over. "Be careful." He said quietly, Willow smiled up at him and nodded. "And have fun."

"We shall."

"Please inform me of their shock when you appear with Luke."

"Hm," Willow hummed. "They're going to be in such shock."

"Get prepared for an interrogation, Willow."

"Oh, I don't like interrogations." She slapped a hand to her forehead and smiled when Luke appeared.

"Ready!" He beamed.

Willow held her hand out and gave him Hannibal's lead, looking up at Jonathan she smiled. Letting out a giggle she quickly wrapped her arms around his waist and gave him a tight squeeze. Jonathan patted her on the back. "See you later, have fun." He said while waving them off.


The last thing Sue and Kevin expected was to be greeted by two people, and a dog. "Erm, dear, is there something you're not telling us?" Sue posed carefully while eyeing up the smiling boy.

"Kiddo, who's the kid?" Kevin asked more abruptly.

"Luke." Willow grinned casually.

"Right...see, when we went away I remember the dog. But I don't remember the kid." Kevin walked over to the nearest taxi and put his luggage and Sue's into the boot.

"Erm...well...you see-"

"Dear, you adopted a child?" Sue crossed her arms slowly.


"Don't say it like that, Willow! You sound so confused." Kevin laughed and ruffled her hair.

"Ah!" Willow yelped and swatted his hand away. "Why do this to me? You like embarrassing me don't you?"

"Yes, I get great pleasure out of it. It's a fathers job to be embarrassing," Kevin smirked while Sue quietly scolded him. Leaning down he looked at Luke. "You all right, kiddo?"

Luke looked up at Willow for some sort of moral support, she gave him a thumbs up. "Yeah."

"How long have you been with Willow for, Luke?"

"About a month and a bit."

"Has she driven you mad yet?" Kevin smirked and ignored the glare Willow shot at him. "I'm just saying, you can talk a lot. It does get a little...I don't know...too much?"

"Oh you're charming! One minute you're embarrassing me, then you're being mean."

"Kev," Sue sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Do you two want to come back?"

"I'll cook!"

"Not in my kitchen you're not." Sue narrowed her eyes at her daughter.




"Look, you're defensive over your kitchen, you got that trait from me." Sue smiled and held her arms out. "Hello, Willow. We got so caught up in the moment we never said hello." Willow grinned happily and wrapped her arms around her. Kevin leaned away but got caught up in the hug too by Willow clutching onto his jacket collar.

Luke laughed and yelped when Willow picked him up to join in too. "I love a good group hug. It's cosy." She said happily while Luke protested to be put down, and Kevin said how he was now embarrassed and that she was good at revenge.


The months had trickled by slowly for Dominic. The excruciating pain was something which he'd slowly blocked out. There was only so much pain his mind could deal with before it became too much. As soon as he was able to, he left the uncomfortable surroundings of his, for a better word, saviour. What sort of saviour actually ends up causing harm too?

The man who did bandage him up was a lunatic. He'd quickly came to that decision when he'd overheard him talking about mask making, and pieces of skin. Not knowing if he was safe here he'd made a very quick get away. His legs weren't properly healed, but at least he could walk. Run was something else completely. He'd spent the next few days getting food where he could and resting up.

He was incredibly tired. Which seemed odd considering all he did was lay and sleep when he was back with that bandage faced man and his odd woman companion. While wandering around the city trying to find somewhere to sleep for the night he'd stumbled, literally, onto the path of Willow and a young boy. He'd watched them, he was going to follow but hung back because of the appearance of Batman.

Dominic didn't want to get involved with him. Not that he'd be able to actually land a hit on the man. He could barely stand, let alone fight. Not that he could fight much anyway. Sure, in the past he'd been in a few scraps, but nothing serious.

Once he knew whereabouts his sister resided he'd hung out around the area. She was interesting to watch. Interesting in a sense of how similar yet different they were. They were twins after all, most people took twins for being exact right down to the last detail. No, not them. What did Dominic want from finding her? Contact, yes, but not to make a peace. He'd seen her and her friend kill their parents right in front of him. And then, if that wasn't enough, they'd harmed him. Contact of a revenge kind seemed about right. He could admit that his parents weren't the best, but they didn't deserve to die like dogs. Nor did he deserve the foul treatment either.


(Edited: 24/Oct/2019)

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