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Willow tilted her head to the side, "Interesting, isn't it?" Looking up slowly she looked at Jonathan. He smiled and looked back to the room. The small hatch was down so they could clearly see the person within it. "It's new. I chose not to test it on you, because I thought it'd be rude to take you away from Harley's company." Jonathan paused and put his hands in his trouser pockets. "You do seem to be enjoying her company. Do you miss having outside contact with the city?"

Willow smiled and pointed a finger up at him. "You've returned to being...so...questionable. Why?"

Jonathan raised an eyebrow at her words. "Curiosity."

"Hm," narrowing her eyes and smiling more she turned and looked at him. "Is that all?"

"Your reactions with people are interesting."



"So are yours." Willow tilted her head to the side and rolled her eyes to look into the cell as the person within started banging on the walls. "I do though, I miss going to work."

"No you don't," Jonathan smiled. "You really don't. Work is such a chore, it's boring, you won't admit it openly." He looked her up and down and shrugged slowly. "Perhaps you would openly admit it."

"I do."

"Exactly, why say you miss something which is so boring?"

"Because it was doing something I love."

"Hm," Jonathan nodded slowly and looked into the room. "Can you stop smashing your head against the wall please? Cleaning up brain matter doesn't bode well with me."

"Patients not listening, Doc?" The Joker practically swung around the corner and wrapped an arm around Willow's shoulders. She tensed from the action and looked around with wide eyes, although from the weight he was putting on her, it was clear he was using her more to keep himself up than anything else. "Now, now, Doctor Crane. I need to have a little word with you." Jonathan looked at him blankly waiting for him to continue. "Now, I've had a few doctors. All met unpleasant ends admittedly, but that's a different story," the Joker shrugged. "They all tried, just like you tried, to make me better. You're either a slow worker, or you're failing. Care to tell me which? I wouldn't suggest lying." The Joker smiled widely and wrapped his arm around Willow's neck, a knife had slid down his sleeve and was now pressed against her throat. "You lie, I'll kill her. It'll be a shame to take your little girlfriend wifey woman away from you. But whatever, what will be will be, right?"

"Puddin'! Put Willow down!" Harley practically fell down the stairs from running so fast.

"Oh come on Harley, you're ruining the moment. The only way I'm going to get a straight answer out of him over there," the Joker pointed a finger at Jonathan. "Is if I get to wifey."

"I'm not his wifey." Willow squeaked out while the knife pressed against her neck again.

"You're dying. No matter what I do, I cannot help you. You need professional help."

"But you're as professional as you get down here." The Joker said while frowning at Jonathan. There weren't many doctors in the slum areas. The Joker started laughing and waved at Jonathan. "You're not as smart as you think then, if you can't solve this little problem!" He continued to laugh and giggle. Willow took the moment of his distraction to elbow him in the ribs and jump forward. She put a hand on her neck and frowned at the blood on her fingers. The knife had nicked her slightly. Harley naturally rushed to the Joker's side and made sure he was all right. "Let's go, Harls, we know when we've outstayed our welcome." The Joker said bitterly while gripping onto Harley's arm and pulling her backwards. Harley looked at the two of them semi apologetically before the door got slammed shut.

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