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"So with that idiot out of the way, there's more for us to do...right?"

"Right." Jonathan confirmed then pulled a face when Willow went running out of the room and towards the bathroom. "Told you not to eat all that chocolate." He said casually while leaning back against the bed, seconds later Willow came walking back in.

"But I thought Noodle would want something sweet to eat."
Frowning Jonathan looked at her, "Noodle isn't exactly physically eating so I don't think it matters really what you're eating."

"But Noodle is sort of eating what I'm eating..." Willow said quietly while sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Anyway," Jonathan said slowly. "I've been thinking-"

"Do I even want to know?" Willow mumbled while collapsing onto the bed and slowly wrapping herself up in the duvet.

"I'm thinking of setting up an office for this stuff."
"Selling drugs...again? Is that really all you can surmise to?"

Jonathan looked at her seriously. "Someone's a little grouchy."
"I'd love to see you suffer with this pregnancy thing, honestly I would. It's awful, the pain, the puking, the odd food habits...the sudden discovery of well...things..."
"I'm going to regret asking, but what are these discoveries?"
"Jonathan...you're not stupid, think about it." Willow frowned and looked up at the ceiling. Jonathan sat confused for a few seconds before Willow pointed at her stomach, which was raised obviously from the baby growing within her. Then secondly to her chest, this just caused him to fidget and roll his eyes upwards while readjusting his glasses. Smirking, Willow leaned up and ran her fingers through his hair. "The sudden discovery of growing is something of a shock. Naturally I knew I would get a little fat, but I seemed ignorant to my-"

"Too much information." Jonathan said a little embarrassed from having to have this conversation. He moved away from her slightly and shot her a glare when she started laughing.

"Too cute," Willow waved a hand at him and then patted her stomach. "So! With your sudden drug dealing thing again whatcha aiming to do? Sell this crap to anyone who can afford it?" She yawned and shook her head.

"Look," Jonathan turned and looked at her seriously. "I could easily throw it around in the city, but what's the fun in that?"

"Rhetorical question?"

"You can answer if you want." Jonathan crossed his arms.

"The fun would be seeing random people running around with new found love for life without fear."

"But that sounds boring." Jonathan said quietly.

Willow double-took him. "Good grief, you admitting to your work being boring?"

"No, I'm saying that throwing this stuff in the city just for the sake of it without having a real reason to, is boring." Jonathan paused. "I've always wanted my own little clinic, you know? The schools and universities where I worked never really understood my methods. But then again, nor did Arkham."

Willow smiled and wagged a finger at him. "So, what you're suggesting is an underground clinic? Just like when we were back in Grandmother Crane's house, correct?" Jonathan slowly nodded confirming her words. "I have a question."

Grimacing lightly he looked at her seriously. "Yes?"

"Can I be your secretary?" Willow beamed and clapped her hands together in a pleading motion.


"I'm not the best at scoping out property, but I think that one is good." Willow said while pointing to an actual abandoned clinic. The building in question was situated in the slum areas of Gotham. But despite its surroundings quite a few people were milling around. Large smart cars even passed by which further implemented that even the higher citizens of the city had no qualms about coming down here.

"Willow..." Jonathan said despairingly while slapping a hand to his forehead. Running it down his face and pinching the bridge of his nose he looked down at her. Willow looked so chuffed with her obvious contribution.


"It needs a lot of work done to it." Jonathan stated obviously. The windows had been smashed and the door had been scrawled in graffiti.

Willow pouted and wagged a finger up at him. "Now, now, Jonathan, you seem to expect life to just hand you a perfectly intact clinic on a silver platter." Willow scolded.

"No, I'm expecting to find one which is structurally safe." Jonathan said quietly while Willow continued to scold him for being so narrowminded. This caused him to frown down at her.

"What? It has potential, why do you refuse to see its potential, Jonathan?!" Willow said dramatically while shaking him by the shoulders.

"I don't fail to see its...what you call potential. I just fail to see us surviving five minutes in there before the roof comes down on us." Jonathan said while stopping her from shaking him. Shaking his head he tried to get rid of the slightly dizzy vision which Willow had forced on him.

"Oh phooey," Willow waved a hand at him, Jonathan raised an eyebrow at her. "Come on, let's have a look before fully deciding whether it's the clinic for you." Willow smiled and started to cross the road. Jonathan sighed and hung his head yet walked after her.

The door creaked open and a smell of dust greeted them, this just caused him to narrow his eyes down at Willow. "Is this what you call potential?"

"No this is what I call...mothballs."

"Mothballs," Jonathan repeated with a laugh. Shaking his head he walked past her and down the small corridor in front of them. Opening and closing doors as he passed, Jonathan nodded every so often. This place was more spacious than what it appeared. Frowning and looking up, he wasn't too happy with how the ceiling creaked every so often. "I still think the roof is going to collapse." He stated while walking back to the foyer. Willow was twirling around in an old dusty and forgotten swivel chair. She looked up at him though when he reappeared. "But, apart from that I think we have a winner. We'll set up here."

"You see the potential?"

Jonathan smiled and nodded, leaning against the desk in front of him he looked reluctant to answer. "Yes, I see the potential." Willow grinned and jumped up from the chair, she seemed more than happy that he agreed to set up and work here.


(Edited: 1/Nov/2019)

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