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Hearing quiet growls, Willow opened her eyes slowly. Sitting up she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. Narrowing her eyes at Hannibal she whistled sharply. The dog in turn turned and narrowed its eyes at her. "Nah-huh buddy, if either of us is going to be shooting glares, it should be me. You woke me up, what's the deal?" Pushing herself out of the bed she shuffled over and put a hand on his head. This did little to comfort the animal who still continued to snarl quietly.

Frowning and standing silently Willow could hear noises, not any which she was accustomed to. She had never known Jonathan to be silent. Whoever was walking in the next room were doing it in such a way as to not bring attention. Reaching out, Willow turned the handle, she held onto Hannibal's collar, he was close to bolting it to the room with the mysterious noises. While holding onto his collar she also managed to pick up a baseball bat, why it was just laying around she didn't know. Willow was however grateful of its convenience.

Moving silently out of the room she pressed herself against the wall. By now the noises could be pinned down to someone turning pages in a book. Looking up and to the side slowly she let go of Hannibal's collar. Whoever was in the room was idiotic enough to leave the door open slightly. This small gap however got burst wide open by Hannibal's fury.

"You're not a friendly." Willow whispered to herself with a sigh and heard the grunts and yelps in the room. Looking down she raised an eyebrow when Hannibal trotted out triumphantly with a piece of material in his mouth. Pulling it free she turned it over in her hands. "Black and gold...black and gold," repeating silently she nodded back to the door which Hannibal charged through again. "Okay, listen. You stop rifling through my stuff and I'll call off my dog, how's that for a deal?" When there was silence she swung away from the wall and kicked the door so it banged against the wall. This caused the wall to let out a pained noise. Sighing, Willow peeked around the door. "Why are you in my home, more specifically in this room, and even more specifically going through things which don't belong to you? Seriously, didn't Batman teach you manners?" Willow lectured and rendered the no longer hiding Robin to look at her dumbly. "Can you not speak? Last time we met you seemed more than able. What? Did Hannibal rip your throat out or something?" Willow paused and looked at the dog in question, he was still chewing on a piece of Robin's cape.


Jolting she pointed the bat. "Lurker! Wait...it's whatcha do. What? I was sleeping, I need sleep if you couldn't tell." She said while swinging the bat so it rested on her shoulder. Only this action almost knocked Robin on the head. He was moving from the corner when he speedily ducked the bat. "What? Seriously don't make an already annoyed pregnant lady more annoyed. It honestly doesn't end well."

"For who?" Robin asked with a smirk.

"Maybe you, while Hannibal takes to chewing you up, I can bash your brains out with this here bat." Willow smiled.

"Like your dog could attack me again."

"The fact that you even need to say 'again' clearly shows how rubbish you are at countering any attack. Even an attack from a harmless cute dog, such as Hannibal." Robin narrowed his eyes while Willow gave a triumphant grin. All the while Batman was standing looking at them both, he had no comment on the matter.


"What?! What do you want? Seriously, as I earlier stated I was sleeping, you two woke me up so you better have a good reason why or so help me I will go all hormonal on you two."

"I want to ask you a few questions."

"Of course you do." Willow mumbled and sat down in a chair, she dropped the bat on the floor and looked up at him. "Go on, I've not got all night and something tells me neither do you two."

"This clinic, what do you do?"

"I'm a secretary, if you wanna know patient stuff then I can't say. Confidentiality and all that shiz."

"You honestly expect us to believe you are impartial to what your boyfriend is doing?"

"Oh come on, I'm as impartial as impartial can be right now." She retorted to Robin with a glare. "I don't know, honestly I don't. People come in then they go. What Jonathan says to them I don't know. Can you both go now? I really do need to sleep." She said while leaning back in the chair and looking up at Batman.

The two stared at each other for a while before he gave a relenting sigh and turned away. "If I discover you're lying-"

"Hah!" Willow laughed which earned her a glare from over the shoulder. "Dude, you're threatening a pregnant woman, that is so freakin' low even for you. What? What could you possibly do if you discover I'm lying to you, hm?"

"Contact social services." He said darkly while leaving the room.

Willow stared at the doorway and gave a shudder. "Contact social services...they'll get Noodle over my dead body." Huffing she smiled when Hannibal put his head on her knee. "Souvenir of the week, good job boy." She said while ruffling his fur and holding the piece of cape up. Lowering it she sighed, she'd have to tell Jonathan of this break in. Looking at the material she twitched her nose in thought. Would Bruce really contact social services on them once Noodle was out into the world? That seemed like a rather heavy threat. "Tantrum," Hannibal looked confused. "Empty threat, said in a moment of annoyance from not getting the replies he wanted." She analysed quickly while standing up. "Well with this late evening adventure over, who's up for ice cream?" She raised her hand while shuffling out of the room, Hannibal trotted after her still with his trophy hanging from his mouth.


(Edited: 4/Nov/2019)

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