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"You honestly shouldn't be around chemicals."

"I shouldn't be anywhere according to you."

Frowning Jonathan turned in his seat. "What? That doesn't even make sense."

Willow pouted and leaned against the door frame. Hannibal sat beside her and looked from her to him then to the floor. "Everywhere, and everything is seemingly dangerous. Jonathan," Willow walked forward and pinched his cheeks. "I love your protective moments, but seriously...you're being a little too protective."

Narrowing his eyes, Jonathan sat and let her have her moments. Once she moved away he rubbed his cheeks and returned back to work. "Willow, you're not the most safest person."


"Meaning," Jonathan put down his pen and looked up at her. "You could walk down the street and stumble into trouble."

"Hey, hey now...if you're referring to that time where I went chemical buying for you, that was technically your fault. You sent me to a part of the city where low life scum dwell. Of course they're going to be attracted to a woman."

"Did I ever apologise for that moment?" Jonathan questioned while turning the page in his book.

"Erm...I can't remember. But I do remember swiftly being mind raped by your freaky toxins."

"Yes, wind direction and speed is everything I guess." Jonathan straightened up and dodged out of the way of Willow. "Do you mind?"

"No." She huffed, "Not really. I'm going to leave you and your slightly sociopathic temperament alone."

Frowning Jonathan crossed his arms and leaned against the table. "Would you like to help?" He looked up at Willow with a sidewards glance. She looked at him confused, "Last time you helped, you were very helpful and productive."


Jonathan smiled and gave a nod. "Sure, if that makes you happy."

Willow rubbed her hands and walked back into the room. Sitting down opposite him she eyed the white mask which was suddenly waved at her. Taking it from Jonathan's hand she slipped it on over her mouth and nose. "How come you aren't wearing one?"


"Huh, you didn't seem so immune when...I'll stop," Willow said quickly when Jonathan shot her a look. Taking a piece of paper which Jonathan waved at her she looked down. Putting a finger on the top of the instructions which he'd just jotted down Willow took to picking things up and mixing them together.

"Why are you giggling?"

"The Scarecrow's Apprentice, sounds like an awful book series or something."

Jonathan looked up at Willow sceptically. "I'm not sure if you could be an apprentice to me."

"Nah, way too emotionally attached." Willow said slowly while pouring the contents of one test tube into another.

"Although you do have some potential of being...something."

"Something? I have potential of being something?" Willow put the tubes to one side and pulled the mask down. "Erm, hello! Bomb making, minor thief, wardrobe department, great cook, brilliant with distractions and need I add; a wicked comic relief. Jonathan, I have the potential to be an awesome something." Willow drummed her fingers on the table. "Oh! I forgot two more things, degree in history and mother to be. Still going to be an awesome something."

"You boosted your ego." Jonathan smirked. "And you're not even ashamed about it are you?"

"Hell no!"

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