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The clinic in which Jonathan and Willow inhabited was a simple building. The few times which Bruce had passed it on his night shifts of patrolling the city, he could clearly figure out the floor plan. When he had stepped foot into the building the floor plan in his mind was more or less confirmed. He had no intention of being stuck in a room with Jonathan while pretending to be some troubled civilian. There were about a hundred other things he'd rather do. He'd even opt to battle against Bane then listen to the prattling of the former doctor.

Walking down the alley which was between the clinic and the other building to its left. Bruce surveyed the windows. He had roughly half an hour before his 'appointment', so he thought why not spend this half an hour with scoping and analysing the clinic some more. Eyeing up the back door he frowned. He could vaguely hear voices in the room above the doorway, this meant that some poor person was getting talked to like they were the dumbest person on the planet.

Bruce had to hand it to Jonathan, he really knew how to degrade people's intelligence. The only person who seemed immune to this was Willow, thinking of the dark haired woman Bruce sighed. It was bad enough that Jonathan had roped her into being his accomplice, but now that she's carrying his child things went from bad to worse. He wasn't assuming that Willow would be a bad parent, she had a very caring side to her when she wasn't acting out a whim from her other personality. It was clear from the first time they'd crossed paths that she had another side, a side which didn't present itself in such an obvious way as it did in Harvey.

But, Jonathan as a parent. The mere thought made Bruce flinch as he picked the lock to the backdoor and quietly stepped through. All was silent in this back room which seemed to be the kitchen. Looking up he listened briefly to Jonathan's calming tone, it was patronising. Nothing about his tone of voice was calming really. The poor person who was in the room with him though probably thought otherwise.

See that alone was one reason as to why Bruce believed that Jonathan would not be an ideal parent. Not that he could really comment. But having a socially awkward psychopath was surely not the ideal role model for a growing child. Stepping quietly around the door, Bruce eyed up the front foyer. Willow sat near the desk looking utterly bored. Letting out a hum she grinned when the husky popped up beside her. Bruce didn't want to cross paths with that dog. He was a fan of dogs, just not overly protective guard dogs.

Poor Tim, he had the displeasure of crossing paths with him and Bruce didn't want to follow suit. Reaching the stairs Bruce hesitantly put his foot in the first step, he smirked when no sound came from it. Considering the age of the building he seriously thought that the staircase would let out some sort of protest from having weight on it. Slowly he ascended the stairs, four doors greeted him. The one to his right had voices coming from it, this room was clearly Jonathan's consulting room.

Moving forwards Bruce peeked around the room across from it, bedroom. Sure he had previously been in the building before, but he had entered through the window. The layout was a little different when entering through a normal route. Pushing open the one next to it he rolled his eyes, bathroom. The final room however proved very useful. A long desk sat at one end, pushed up against the wall. There were a few chairs in here which looked a little rickety, but it was clear that they were in use. Notebooks sat on the desk which Bruce briefly skimmed through.

Seeing a cupboard he reached down to open the door, oddly enough it swung open easily. Jonathan wasn't very hot on security, was he? Tilting a canister Bruce narrowed his eyes, hearing shuffling he turned and jolted backwards when smoke flooded his vision. Who needed security when you could move as silently as Jonathan did? The man in question tilted his head to the side, pushing his glasses up his nose he smiled. "Nighty night." He waved and wriggled his fingers before clenching his fist, Bruce lifted his arms up to block a possible punch. The punch never came because his vision went black. The item which Jonathan had thrown in his direction didn't involve any of his fear reducing toxins. It instead involved sedatives.

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