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Drumming her fingers on the table, Willow watched as Jonathan carefully poured a clear liquid into a tube. She was bored. She'd been free from Arkham City now for two weeks. In those two weeks she hadn't really done anything. Willow remembered in police dramas that when an inmate is given freedom, they go and do all the things they couldn't do when inside. It was a little different for her. Especially considering the prison she was in wasn't a conventional one, and it had given her free will to do whatever she wanted.

Jonathan looked over his shoulder at her. "Can you stop doing that? It's off putting, and annoying." He lowered the tube in his hand and frowned when Willow continued to drum the table. "Seriously Willow, stop it."

"But I'm bored and am drumming out a funky tune!"

"Go drum your funky tune out on another table, in another room. Stop distracting me."

"Oh, yes because your freaky 'taking fear away' toxin is seriously very hard to concentrate on?" She snapped and stomped out of the room.

Jonathan frowned and watched her go. She had moments like this where she got slightly argumentative. He pinned it down to the fact that she had spent weeks in Arkham City with no real company. No company for Willow was usually a disaster. That and she had to rely on herself, this obviously hardened her up slightly. Hearing the front door open and shut he sighed. Perhaps getting fresh air would be a wise move for her. If she stayed in here anymore she would definitely drive herself mad. As well as him, Jonathan shook his head and returned to his work.


Kicking a can along the street, Willow smiled apologetically when it hit someone on the back of their legs. They in turn glared at her and she shrugged. Glaring had no effect. Rubbing her eyes she let out a startled noise when someone bumped into her and she fell backwards. Still rubbing her eyes she peered out from her fingers and looked up. "I'm sorry," having a hand waved at her she got pulled to stand.

"Bruce? You look awful!"

"Willow? Thank you, that is so charming of you to say. I hate to say it though, but you don't look much better." He smirked.

Willow pouted and scratched her head slowly. "Yeah...that's really one thing to say to a lady."

"What are you doing walking around half dazed?"

Willow shrugged. "I'm bored, I've not been in the city for a while." At this she looked around and up at the high sky buildings surrounding them. "I've not missed anything. It's still the same. I just wanted to make sure." She mumbled quietly and slid her eyes down to him. "What are you up to?"

"I'm just trying to piece together a council meeting."


"To fully close down Arkham City."

"Oh." Willow's voice dropped and she frowned lightly. "Good luck, I feel like you'll need it."

"Why do you say that?"

Looking around at the people passing them she nodded her head. The two of them started to walk down the street. "It's an easy way out. Shove everyone in there and forget about them. I highly doubt the council will put funding towards a new institution."

"That is true, but we'll never know unless we try and ask."

"I think you have enough bad pointers to warrant it being fully closed down." She paused. "Gang wars, it was being run by a lunatic, that lunatic was going to bomb the place and kill everyone, because of him people have escaped again." Willow gave him a sidewards glance. "I think those are some good points as to why it should fully close down."

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