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After weeks of working the two of them had managed to get the building to look semi reasonable. There were still a few things which needed to be done, but apart from that it was ready for clients. Although the client end of things was a little lacking.

"Maybe I should go spam mail people with leaflets?"

"No one reads leaflets."

"I do."

"Correction you read the pizza leaflets we get." Jonathan corrected while Willow lifted her head up from the desk.

Narrowing her eyes she crossed her arms on the wooden piece of furniture and leaned her chin against her arms. "So what? I like pizza. Of course I'd read leaflets of them, I like pizzas. I like pizzas even more if they're a special offer."

Jonathan slapped a hand to his forehead. "I honestly have no reply."

"I really fancy pizza now..."

Jonathan peeked out from his fingers and looked at her. "Seriously?"

"Cheese actually, just cheese." Willow said dreamily. "I could kill for cheeses right now."

"I highly doubt that. You dislike taking a life, remember?" Jonathan stated, Willow mused over his words with a thoughtful expression and a nod.

Both of them jumped when the phone on the desk rung. "Hello?" Willow answered, Jonathan looked at her oddly. "Oh yes! Sorry I totally forgot to pencil you in, I've just been getting buried in invoices and...baby things...hah! Funny you should mention that..." Willow looked at him deadpanned. Admittedly her having to suffer with chatty higher citizen clients was quite funny. Jonathan watched with a smirk while leaning back in his chair with his hands entwined over his stomach. Looking up at the ceiling he looked down when Willow started typing quickly on the computer. The computer wasn't theirs, they were merely borrowing it from a computer store. Regardless it still fulfilled its part in this scam. After all what sort of working establishment doesn't have at least one working computer?

Flinching and leaning forward Jonathan put his hand on the phone. "Willow, the phone didn't offend you so don't slam it down." She huffed and crossed her arms. "The client peeved you off remember? What did the nasty person say to you dear?" Jonathan said the last part of his sentence in a slight childish tone. Willow shot him a look and leaned forward against the desk. "Also, why are you speaking with an English accent?"

"Because people dig accents, Jonathan." Willow smiled happily. "The nasty client has requested we attend some high to do partay thing. I presume that once there she will comment about our awesome skills."

"Would this client by any chance be one Mrs Anderson?"

"The very same." Despite not totally being up and ready for clients, Mrs Anderson was a special sort of client. More to the point she was a former client of the Guru's. She had left when she had decided his ideals of getting rid of fear just weren't up to scratch. Ironically enough she was going to attend one of the meetings where Jonathan and Willow were involved, but it was fate which made her loose out. Simply enough, Mrs Anderson couldn't attend because she was in hospital.

Jonathan drummed his fingers on the desk and looked at Willow. "Thanatophobia and Gerontophobia." He shook his head sadly. "Such common fears, what does she honestly expect to happen if she happens to have some of those toxins?"

Willow tilted her head the side. "Thanato-wah? Geromino?"

Jonathan slapped a hand to his head. "Google them."

"Can you just not tell me?"

"Dying and growing old."

"Well she is an old girl...when I'm like a hundred and fifty like she is, I too shall be fearful of growing older and eventually popping my clogs."

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