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"Friendship holds the purest kind of love."  - IgweSharonStone

Check out👆🏾the added photo to get a better view on Laura's gown.


"Are you sure I look good?"

"Girl! Shut up! You look beautiful!" Her sister shriked into her ear as she came close to add more nude lipstick to her lips.

Laura ran her hands through the lilac gown. From her waist upwards were embroidered designs with a lace material that drew attention, but the attention getter in the dress were her shoulders, the gown showed off her smooth brown skin revealing a lovely cleavage as the silky material snugged to her curvaceous shape giving a flow to her feet. The dress felt too much for the party but Jonathan has made Bola promise to make her look extraordinary and that was how she looked and felt. She felt special like a princess in a novel.

Lola, her sister, had done a beautiful job on her make up. She still looked liked herself but more acute as every curve and edge of her face was outlined and gave an elegant gratification to her prestige.

Bola, her best friend, had picked the gown when they went shopping. Laura had refused at first. She had insisted on something simple since it was just a house party, but her best friend has disregarded her choice, telling her that they either "go big or go home".

Mary, her sister-in-law, had worked on her hair. Laura knew how difficult her curly - virgin hair could be, but Mary being a wonderful hairstylist took her curls into a bun with pins. She had a round bun in shape of a donut placed securely in the middle of her head. Her edges were to die for as they were placed in perfect relaxation on her forehead with the perfect glow.

She knew she looked amazing. She was just really nervous, almost worried.

Worried yeah? And why is that?

Laura knew why

"Don't mind her. She's just worried about Jonathan and what he will think about her fabulous look," Bola remarked, she was packing up the nylon that came with the dress, "am I not right?"

"No. Maybe. I don't know!" Laura threw her hands up, she was exacerbated by the fact that she was so worried about what her husband thought of her.

"It's your party dear, you deserve to look more beautiful than anyone else. Jonathan knows that too, I'm sure." Mary's assurance did so little to how Laura felt but she smiled anyway.

"You could change, you know, the party hasn't started yet."

Laura gave her reflection one more stare, "No I love how I look, and you guys did such a great job."

"Good answer. I wasn't going to let you change anyway." She laughed at Bola's statement.

Laura didn't know what exactly was going through her head when it came to the ladies but she knew in a way, they were family.

The surgery had helped her remember some people and some things, but not all. She knew who Bola, Lola and Mary were but she didn't quite remember how she met them, moments they had or important things like their kids name.

Which was mortifying since the kids seemed to really like her and know her.

She recalled her check-up with the surgeons, they promised her it would be a slow process but being around familiar faces would help alot. That was the real reason she had spoken to Jonathan about the party. She was curious about the faces in her head.
She felt like she knew them but not who they were.

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