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Jonathan's swift movement from his car bore holes of his footprints in the muddy ground. He moved low and quiet with Micheal behind him. They hid behind abandoned cars and very short fences.

The moment Jonathan had heard the game his father had played on him, he felt less of a father and a protector to his daughter.

His anger had colored his sight red and he had been determined to storm into the warehouse and drive a stake through his father's skull, but Michael had been able to reason with him.

Jonathan replayed Micheal's words in his head; "I know you are very angry Doc but the moment you think with your rage and rush into this, you will definitely be playing into Marcus' hands as he wants you to. Our element of surprise is all we have right now till Laura gets back."

It was at the mention of Laura that his pumped nerves had relaxed. He would never be able to live with himself if he made a mistake that would cost Laura their daughter.

Almost crawling in dirt, they reached Jackson and his friend's hide out. They knocked thrice on the yellow, rusty bus before they got in.

"Okay thank God you are here. I would have introduced her but her name is confidential." Jackson spoke to Jonathan who nodded with understanding as he shook the tracker's hand.

"Any news from your men?" Jonathan looked outside before he asked the tracker.

"Your father has been thorough. He has over twenty men just outside the building. Jobless, paid men obviously but with an impressive man power. That means they are amateurs so my men can handle them. I have six men on ground, I could get more but that would take a while. We assume there might be hidden cameras so my men are trying their best to avoid them. I know the police can be slow in their response but for an ex - convict they would appear soon enough but we need someone to draw up the case to them with solid evidence." The tracker studied the camera footage infront of her once again as she spoke. She checked in with her men, satisfied with their response, she continued. "This operation won't be easy, basically any operation with hostages involved is always risky."

Jonathan nodded to show that he understood her words, then he recalled, "I got a call that Katherine was in school since and Lawrence just took her. Apparently he had threatened the headmistress into lying about Katey not coming to school at all, maybe to cause panic or something. I don't care though, I am desperately itching to go in. I can't be a second late."

"I know bro, we need Laura. Have you heard from her?" Jackson asked.

"No, but the pilot called me that they had landed a while ago. I'm worried about her too. John and the detective have not called either. If I don't hear anything in the next ten minutes, I'm going in."

"Me too." Micheal gave an audio of his support.

Jonathan was about to voice his appreciation when his phone went off in his pocket. He took it out and answered, "John, how far, do you have anything?"

During the meeting Jonathan had assigned John and the detective to investigate more on the true identity of a man he always thought was just a mere driver and to submit the evidence their mother had succeeded in gathering to the police. If Jonathan doesn't murder his father first he wanted to make sure he had a long life rotting in jail.

"I do, more than anything, I have a lot. It's a lot to explain so make sure you are comfortable to hear this."

Jonathan put his phone on speaker as he stretched it out for everyone's attention. "Go on."

"Okay so I'm here with the detective. We are at a restaurant across the police station, we were able to get access to some confidential files. Apparently the detective and the new chief of police go way back. It took us a while to understand what we were looking at. It's still a bit strange to me but according to these files, Lawrence is a hardened criminal but was once a man of the law. Here's the worst of it, he is also our step - brother. Our fucking father had a illegitimate child."

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