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"When two lovers choose forever, they become soulmates." - IgweSharonStone


"You are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen." Sandra teared up into a white napkin, her daughter stood before her in a white wedding gown. Her gown floored the massive room, it's trail fell back to the highest extent of the eye. It had series of flowers at it's train and edges, the unique design glittered across her waiste line to her upper body. The dress hugged her bosom and sharpened her figure. Every inch of her wedding dress glitter in a magical aura. The dress was topped with a veil which covered her face, the veil was held down by a royal crown. The crown had different gems at it's peak.

Laura smiled at her mother, "Thank you mom. I'm so nervous." Her hands held her white and pink bouquet which was picked by Katherine.

"Of course you are baby but don't worry about it. You are strong enough for anything after all you have been through. The knowledge of your dreadful experience and the death of your village have given you something you would never have found. It gave you an everlasting soul. It's something only few humans have. A soul that has won a battle over death, the victory stays with you forever. As I said you are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen, heart, body and soul. I'm so proud of you." Sandra words triggered Laura's emotions. She drew her mother in for a hug and wept in her arm.

"I love you mom." Laura declared into her mother's shoulder.

"I love you too baby girl."

They pulled away and laughed at each other's silliness. They stood in an elegant corridor, awaiting Matthew. He was to walk her to the aisle. Laura could remember how ecstatic he was when she had asked him.

After she had accepted Jonathan's proposal, they had gone on several dates and spent alot of time together. She learnt more about him than she ever knew. He wouldn't go a day without telling her how much he loved her.

The first time she said the three - letter words, since she remembered Jonathan to be her husband, was at a cookout in the mansion.

She was teasing him about his bad cooking when he said, "It doesn't matter because you like me all the same."

Then she had replied, "Of course, I love you just the way you are."

It had taken her two seconds to realise her words and the extreme joy on Jonathan's face which gave her a bonus clue.

They were the most honest words Laura has ever spoken and Jonathan made sure she repeated them every moment. Though, he didn't have to because those words were meant for him but they made her feel alive and human.

Their engagement had lasted for eight months. It took an international wedding planner, her mother and her bestfriends to plan her wedding. Laura trusted them and they had delivered to the fullest.

Laura's attention maneuvered to her glittered daughter. Katherine's excitement radiated brighter than her sky blue, flower dress. Her fingers held the small basket of roses while she tried to peep into the main hall where every family, friend, colleague and associate of both families had gathered. Nigerians favored huge weddings as it was believed to be a great celebration in joining two families together in harmony.

"There she is. oh my Lord, you look magically heavenly. I think I might tear up." Laura and her bridesmaids laughed at Ola's extravagance.

"That's my girl." Matthew pecked each side of Laura's glowing cheeks. He stood beside her and took her arm through his elbow. "Let's show this people how a queen makes an entrance."

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