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Mary watched Sandra glimpse at the window, which gave visual access to the main entrance, for the hundredth time. She had offered Sandra a cup of tea with some toast bread but the old lady had rejected. It was obvious that her nerves were in a twist and truth be told Mary felt the same way but she managed her anxiety by keeping busy.

She would wipe, arrange and basically do every kind of chore just to keep calm infront of her children and avoid the thought of Jackson not coming back home or any form of bad news. As her head began to race again, she scrubbed the tiles harder.

Down on her knees, sweat trickled from her forehead, she scrubbed tiles that were clean and shiny. After putting the kids to sleep, the house was quiet. For a house that was occupied with a lot of people few hours ago, the building felt lonely.

"You don't have to do that na. Get up jare." Sandra adjusted her wrapper around her waist as she walked to take the hard brush away from Mary's hand. She knew how hard it was to stay at home while the people you love were out in apparent danger.

Anything could happen and Sandra was trying not to think about anything. Her baby girl and her best friend has been kidnapped, Sandra could do nothing but wait and it made her feel useless.

Micheal's wife, Chika had offered to take care of the children if they were too much trouble to them, Sandra and Mary had rejected her kind offer. The truth was looking after the kids gave them something to do than worry to stupor.

"I don't know what else to do. I'm so worried and staying still just makes me over think. I have a bit of OCD in me when there is trouble." Mary lifted her knees from the floor, she moved to seat on a dining chair.

"We just have to hope for the best my dear. We have to pray for everything to work out for good." Sandra sat beside Mary, she placed a liss hand on her shoulder. "What is OCD sef?"

Mary chuckled at Sandra's perplexed expression, "It's full meaning is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It sha means when someone can't control their actions under pressure or any circumstances. I, myself, I can't stop my urge to clean or keep busy when I'm worried or bored." As Mary spoke, Sandra noticed how her fingers made light taps, anxiously, on the dining table.

Sandra nodded with sudden comprehension.

The wall clock signified that hours has passed since everyone had left the house to execute a task given to them. They had stayed at home for the kids, more so Mary. Sandra knew she had been asked to stay home because her old bones wouldn't aid their fast pace. She wasn't annoyed about it but she wasn't glad either. Her grandchild and her bestfriend were held captive in the hands of a man that has caused so much trauma to her family. It wasn't an easy situation to sleep on.

It was pure torment not to know what was happening at that moment.

Sandra could remember the feeling of torment well. It was almost like she was accustomed to it.

From a verbal downgrade from her parents and her homosexual husband to almost losing her daughter. Sandra knew what true defeat and excruciating pain felt like.

For years, she had always believed there was no one watching over her. Her faith in God has been demolished ever since she was maltreated by her parents who were well - esteemed members of their church.

Despite her history, Sandra had prayed to God - more like begged -  during the period of Laura non - responsive health in the hospital. Seeing as her daughter was alive and had major fragments of her memory back, Sandra decided to plead with the one being that was probably watching over her and her family.

"Are you okay ma?" Mary asked, she noticed Sandra was staring out the window longer than usual in a wistful gaze.

"Yes my dear. I think we need to pray for them. It's the best we can do."

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