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A wooden black wood held the reflective object at it's edges, hiding it's sharp edges and giving a long-standing structure to the object. The object stood erect, it's appearance radiated pride and a distinguished build. The opaque part of it held the reflection of a man, a nervous and very handsome man.

Jonathan stood tall in a black suit and white shirt, he began to knot his tie. He was in all black because he wanted whatever color Laura's dress was, his suit would match alongside and as it is known black is a friendly color.

"You know if you stare at the mirror forever, your ugly face won't change at all." Jackson chuckled as he patted his junior brother's shoulders with both hands.

Jonathan laughed and said, "You know I'm the pretty one in the family. Try to hide the jealousy bro. You're the nice one anyway."

"And I'm the smart one."

Jonathan and Jackson turned around to stare at their prodigal junior brother. Jackson walked up to him, smiling, he took him in for a tight hug after a firm brotherly handshake.

There was a drift of awkwardness as Jonathan stared at his junior brother, he couldn't help being mad that it took him ages to come home. He knew there was a reason or was it an excuse. Anyway, there was always something when it came to John.

Jonathan thought John was right, he was the smart one but lately his actions has been full of ineptness. Jackson on the other hand was a very nice person to hold a grudge.

"Hey bro." John knew how angry Jonathan was, if he didn't know before, he could feel it now.

Damn! The whole room seemed tighter and tensed.


"You are mad at me."

"You think?" Jonathan's raised eyebrow gave John a mocking stare as he adjusted his plain black tie.

"I know bro. Okay I know. I know I fucked up but I just had alot of things happening and time just.."

"You had things to do for seven years! Not even a call or a text. Katherine barely knows you man!"

"Jonathan I think you shou..."

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down Jackson. It took my wife being in an accident. What the hell am I saying! Even when she was in the hospital he never came through for once, instead he sends a post card. A fucking post card!" Jonathan's face held fury and his eyes held hurt and disappointment. He could feel his fist itch for his brother's face.

"I'm sure you are only here for father. I don't want to know the reason you left and deceided to neglect your family but if you're here, you better act smart and stay away from my family because you will leave and I don't want to have to explain to my daughter why her uncle sends silly postcards once in a year! Do you understand me?"

John felt defeated, hurt and sad. He didn't expect Jonathan to be easy on him but he didn't expect his outburst either.

"I have come to stay bro." John tried to convince his brother.

"I said do you understand?"

Looking at him square in his eyes, John contemplated telling his brother the real reason he has been away but instead he dropped his gaze and accepted the huge hole of heartbreak in his chest.

"Yes I do."

"Great. I'll see both of you in the party." Jonathan left his two brothers in his bedroom. He would always love his brother but John had to know that leaving people that care about you behind with no clue if he could be hurt or worse, wasn't how to act smart. It was selfish and heart breaking.

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