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He annoyed her, to no extent and that's what he was doing a few moments back but still she was getting unusual feelings. Sighing in frustration she pulled down her over-sized tee and went outside the washroom.

His room was huge, maybe of the same size as her but there wasn't any warmth here. How she wished she could go back in her own haven.

Giving herself a last look in the mirror she went towards the bed and stared at the poor thing with such an intensity that even the stars got scared and hid themselves under the blanket of clouds. Adjusting the pillow in her desired position she laid down and closes the light. Her eyes started getting heavy, and she slowly slipped into oblivion.

Mubashir ended the call and made his way towards his room. His mind clouded with her thoughts. It had irked him that even after they got married her behavior didn't change. On top of that she had the audacity to cut his hand and that too on their wedding night.

Where will we end up?

He mused and taking a deep breath opened the door of his room only to find it dark. Knowing that she was asleep he relaxed a bit and switched on the light only to find Ayesha sleeping on his bed and that two diagonally.

“Come on!...why is she so annoying?” he said and face palmed himself.

Not wasting any more time he got freshened up and came out of the washroom with a towel in his hand. Placing the towel on the right place he stood beside the bed and looked at her sleeping form.

“I wish you were this peaceful in reality also.” He said looking at her sleeping form.

He had no idea for how long he was staring her face, those fiery closed eyes which were still adorned with kohl's blackness. Her pointed nose that had a small diamond nose pin. He didn't know why he was observing her so much and that was making him exasperated.

Sliding his fingers in his hair, he leaned forward and picked her up in his arms. The moment their body touched something warm surged through his heart...making the beating organ speedy. This was really annoying him.

Placing her on the rights side of bed he covered her up with the duvet. Next he laid down on the left side. He knew if she would find him sleeping beside her in the morning she will beat the crap out of him, but he couldn't leave his bed.

He was lying there just like that for sometime but suddenly a soft yet firm thing gripped his torso making him jerk his head towards her. He looked down and found his dear wife's hand holding him.

Cursing under his breath, he tried to remove her hand but her hand was tightly clasped around him. He again tried making her groan sleepily, he dropped the idea and tried to relax in his position. Few minutes passed, yet he was not able to sleep...there was some weird feelings overcoming him, something strong yet new.

Ugh I hate this feeling!


Ayesha was feeling so warm that she didn't want to wake up. Snuggling more into her pillow she sighed. Little did she know it was not a pillow. A faint smell of cologne hit her making her eyes shot open only to widen seeing someone instead of her pillow.

Getting up hastily she removed her hair from her face. There he was sleeping soundly and she was hugging him? A feeling of disgust and anger surged making her jump out of the bed. Groaning in frustration that he had picked her up while she was sleeping, she punched him in his torso making him cry in pain.

His eyes were open now and were wide as soccer. Holding the part where she had punched he sat straight and glared her.

“You! Why did you do that?” He shouted.

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