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“Are you angry?” Mubashir's questioning voice made her look up at him and raise her eyebrow. Was it so obvious?

“No.” Replying curtly she stepped inside the car. There was something really wrong with her, and he knew that. The race had ended quite well, but she had been behaving strange from the time they had left the house. She was being unusually quiet making him worried.

“Is there something wrong? He again asked only to get a shake of head in reply.

“Then why are you being so quiet?” His question made her look towards him with a warning expression.

The ride back home was silent, the kind of silence which disturbs. As soon as they stepped inside their room Mubashir grabbed her hand and jerked her towards himself.

“Why are you behaving like this? If there is any problem then speak.” He said with clenched teeth making her roll her eyes.

“You are the problem, your behavior is the problem.” She spoke in low voice yet the depth of her statement made his mind a havoc. He didn't expect this, was he really being a nuisance to her? But how?

“Why are you behaving like this? What do you think of yourself? You will shout on me, accuse me, then speak few soft words and then expect me to behave nicely and all happy. I still remember the accusations Mr Mubashir Khan, it's still fresh. And you know what? It hurts. It hurts so much that whatever care you showed was just a facade. You might not know but the small conversation, the support and protection all gave me a hope. A hope that you cared, you respected me. But what did you do? Accused me. Weaken me. Remember one thing I know what my priorities are, even if we aren't in a proper relation I still know my priority to this marriage.”  Choking a small sob she jerked her hand from his grip who was too shock to react.

“This is why I never allowed anyone near me. What for? To weaken me and then leave. And you know what you are going to do the same. Weaken me, and then you will leave. So it's better you leave right now. I don't want to get more hurt”Her small sob again echoed in the silent room breaking his trance. His mind wasn't ready to take in all the things she said.  He didn't know his accusations will hurt her this much. He didn't know she was affected by the things he said.

“You were asking why I was behaving weird? I want to distance myself from you, you have an effect on me. And however much I hate this fact I can't still forget the way you had kissed me. It had felt so beautiful but I know it was also a facade.” Tears found their way out of her eyes, her face held only one emotion anger while his was morphed into a shocked one. He hadn't imagine her being so angry at something he did impulsively. But then her anger was valid. He took a step towards her only to stop as she stormed out of the room banging the door behind leaving him in his own musings.

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