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Sherlock felt his body was warm and laying besides the warming source, the warming source was a blonde shortie named John who was sleeping peacefully cuddling with Sherlock.

Sherlock didn't move processing the last think he remembered from last night but his brain was overdriving. He remembered seeing the credits of the movie they were watching last night and the credits really had a soft music that made them both sleep like that.

John felt himself being watched so that woke him up. He opened his heavy eyelids and took a look around. He eyed Sherlock who now was laying in the crock of his neck looking back.-"Emm...Morning I guess?"

"It's actually lunch."-Sherlock said with his usual attitude.

John moved to sit up and stretch his back.-"Could had been more comfortable."-He laughed as he made his way to the kitchen and put the kettle on the stove.

Sherlock was still a little confused by Johns cool behavior.-"I don't remember falling asleep."

"Neither do I, I guess we feel asleep because it was warm and comfy."-John said and smiled blushing slightly as he started to fix things around the room, but he noticed that the fire had been started and the place was cleaned by Mrs.Hudson earlier. She probably had seen them like that and she 100% thought they were finally together.

"Mrs.Hudson!"-Sherlock yelled making John wonder why was he yelling.

"Sherlock what is wrong."-John asked as Mrs.Hudson was coming up.

"Mycroft was here."-Sherlock mumbled.

" did you kn-"

"The corners of the paper on the table are straightened up, he has OCD and doesn't even notice he does that." -Sherlock said and showed the morning paper on the table.

"Morning Lovebirds!"-Mrs.Hudson said and than her face went on a frown.-"I am still mad that you kept it from me!

"Mrs.Hudson how many times do I have to say know what never mind."-John said and went to the kettle and pour some tea for himself and for Sherlock.

"Why didn't you wake us up when Mycroft came?"-Sherlock asked her.

"You two where too adorable, I couldn't bring myself to wake you up."-She said and smiled widely at them both as John gave Sherlock a cup of tea.

"Did he say any particular thing?"-Sherlock asked again while taking the cup of tea.

"He said he will be coming again tomorrow, ahh and he said congratulations from our side."-Mrs.Hudson said and a phone ringing came from downstairs..-"I have to take that, also I'll leave you two alone."-She smirked and winked at Sherlock before going downstairs.

John sat in his usual armchair ad Sherlock did the same opposite to him. The fireplace was cracking and spreading warmth, the Christmas lights where blinking in 'Iloveyou' and the soft sound of a lazy London could be heard from outside.

John looked at Sherlock, he was in his usual thinking position and looked tense.-"You look uncomfortable..."


"What about him?"

"He is going to tell Mommy and he probably already did."

"Tell Mrs.Holmes what?"

"About this morning..."

"How can you be so sure?"

"He said congrats from our side. It's like a code he would use to threatened me to tell things to Mommy."-Sherlock said with a sight.

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