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It was a gray day, as all days are in London and John was just leaving the therapist walking around like a lost puppy without an owner. He had a lot in his mind lately, for example how childish Harry had been acting lately, he could bet she was childisher than Rose herself. She had just texted him LOL after a message he wrote and he assumed it was a slang word and had no idea what it meant until she said it was a word for 'laugh out loud'. She might be Childish...But she was happy and he was not.

He had a lot to think about. How his Blog had a total of 3 viewers and Ella Thompson aka his therapist was literally begging him to continue to write things on it. Or the landlord who was willing to kick him out of his flat as fast as possible. Or how his life was completely empty.

He walked down to the nearest park trying to find a bench to rest on. He looked down at his wrist and lifted the small leather bracelet Harry had bought him to cover his soulmark/scar. Yes it was a scar now, but not deep and the beautifully curled letters of the word William where still written on it.

It was strange that he hadn't found his William yet, he already had found a William at the military but his soulmark had another name on it. It was strange because he had meet so many people back at Afghanistan but none of them had been him and when he firstly got there he was sure William would be somewhere. But no... God really said 'Screw you John. H .Watson'.

He was violently shaken up from his thoughts by a familiar yet unfamiliar voice. -"John.John Watson?It's Mike Stamford.We where at Bards "

John turned around to meet a familiar siluet of his old friend.-"Yes Mike. Hello."

"I got fat i know"-Mike said and shook Johns hand.

"No."-John simply said.

"How are you doing. I heard you got shoot in Afghanistan, what happened."-Mike asked making John feel a bit uncomfortable with the conversation.

"Got shoot."-He said without any expresion.

After that they found a more comfortable conversation and bough some coffee in proces. They sat at the park and started to have another talk.

"So how is work at St.Barts going?"-John asked sipping his coffee.

"It's grate, nothing how it used to be. God I hate that."-Mike said laughing.-"Are you just staying in town, Did you get yourself sorted?"

"Can't afford London on an army pension."-John said thinking of how broke he was if he didn't find a job soon.

"And you couldn't bare to be anywhere else, that's the Watson I know."-Mike said sipping his own coffee.-"Couldn't Harry help?"-He asked shortly.

"Like I would let her. She's got her family to look after now."-John said.

"Come on, get a flat-share or something."-Mike said trying to help.

"C'mon. Who would want me for a flatmate?"-John said but Mike started to laugh all of a sudden so John asked.-"What..."

"You are the second person to say that to me today1"-Mike said making John think a little more.

He thought a second and than asked.-"Who is the first?"


It had been a busy day doing nothing, so Sherlock was at St.Barts thinking on making an experiment today. Molly had found him a fresh body to experiment on.

"Fresh body. Natural causes, used to work here, I knew him, he was a nice person."-Molly said with her thin voice.

"Fine. We will start the experiment than!"- He said with his not so natural smile.

Soulmates // JohnlockWhere stories live. Discover now