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Hey guys, I'm gonna update later with a possibly sad book, we'll see how I'm feeling. I just wanna say Happy New Year from me. We made it. At one point I wasn't sure if I would make it, and I'm here and things get better. I wish you all a better new year, here's to hoping that 2021 will be much better than 2020. 

In terms of the chapter later, I know I said I would do a sad one but idk if I can because I'm a little bit sad rn (I'm okay I just need hugs from my gf and my friends who I can't see) so I might have to do a happy one. 

I'm a bit bored so ima just give a mini life update that no one asked for. 
- My grandparents sent me slippers and a really cute notebook because I couldn't see them for Christmas
- I started the New Year off with a mini panic attack at 1:30am due to cherophobia for no reason
- I might have next week as holiday instead of online school. Basically, next week was supposed to be online school for me, but they might just give us an extra week of Winter Break instead
- I have history homework due in 12 days which I could do in literally 2 hours but I'm gonna procrastinate probably another 11 days and 20 hours
- I might be going back to school (actual real school) on the 11th
- My aunt who's a chemistry teacher told me she was proud of me for getting an A* in science on my report
- I'm trying to think of a way to come out to my nan but I might just ask my mum to tell her because I'm scared of her not supporting me
- New Year Doctor Who Special tonight!
- I became slightly delirious last night from lack of sleep over the holidays and I think my best friend might actually be really concerned for me
- I need hugs lol

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