John's Sick

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Hey yall, you guys are getting 2 updates in 2 days lmao, I'm currently watching the Abominable Bride while watching this cuz I love this episode (even if Sherly's hair isn't curly, I love his curly hair). So basically in this chapter, John is ill and Sherlock has to look after him. This one is probably gonna be pretty short cuz I'm tired.

John's POV
I woke up feeling terrible. My throat was sore and scratchy, my head was pounding and I felt nauseous. It was bearable and I didn't want to tell Sherlock because, well, Sherlock will be Sherlock. Just like every morning, I got up, got dressed and headed downstairs. 

Sherlock was there drinking coffee and reading the newspaper as usual. His head snapped up when he saw me. "Ah, John" He exclaimed. "We have a case, so hurry up with your breakfast please, we need to get to the morgue to meet Molly." Still feeling nauseous, I decided to go without breakfast. "I'm not hungry, Sherlock. Let's go" My voice was husky and it was probably very clear that I was unwell but Sherlock either didn't notice or he didn't want to mention it. 

We both grabbed out coats and went down the stairs and Sherlock hailed a taxi. We got into it and Sherlock started to explain the case to me as I rested my head against the window. I could barely focus on what he was saying. 

We arrived at the crime scene and Sherlock ran up to Lestrade to ask about the murder. As per usual, I stood off to the side, observing. I was feeling very faint so I leaned against the wall a little so that I didn't keel over. Sherlock solved the case in no more than an hour and we left abruptly. 

We arrived at home and Sherlock started complaining about the case being too simple. I sighed and did my best to ignore him and I tried to update my blog but it still felt as if several sharp needles were stabbing my brain repeatedly. Eventually, Sherlock sat in his chair, closed his eyes and presumably went into his mind palace. I closed my laptop forcefully and studied Sherlock. 

He was so handsome, his long, dark eyelashes fanned out against his sharp cheekbones, his perfectly shaped cupid bow lips. I would have watched him all day if I could, but my head was pounding and I felt sick to my stomach. I lay on my side, curled up like a hedgehog in an attempt to ease the pain. Slowly, I felt my eyes close as I drifted off into a restless sleep. 

I woke up in a bed. Frowning, I looked around. I assumed that it had been mine room, but it wasn't. Looking around, I made the deduction that I was in Sherlock's room. How had I got here? I fell asleep on the sofa, did I not...? I was so tired I barely even cared. I just fell back against the pillow and let the sleep envelope my brain. Vaguely, I heard a door open in the background and a hand on my head, but I didn't have the energy to do anything about it so I slipped into unconsciousness. 

When I woke up, there was something damp and cold resting on my forehead. It felt nice. I cracked my eye half open and saw Sherlock sitting cross legged on the bed staring towards me but not looking at me. I sat up and took the washcloth off of my forehead. Sherlock's head snapped towards me. "Why am I in here?" I asked. "You fell asleep on the sofa so I brought you in here. I may not be a doctor, but I know enough to tell that you're ill, John." He explained quietly. "I'm fiiiiine, Sherlock, I swear. Are you okay? You look a bit funny" I replied, giggling in a slightly delusional manner. Sherlock frowned, smiling slightly. "I think you may need some more rest, John." Sherlock suggested. I obeyed and lay down but I kept my eyes open. His eyes met mine and he cocked his head. "What now, John?" "Will you lay down with me, I'm cold" Sherlock smiled slightly, but didn't say anything. He lifted up the covers next to lie next to me and slid under them. I put my arms around him and edged nearer for the warmth. "Love you, Sh'rlock" I mumbled quietly.

Sherlock's POV
I looked down at John as he put his arms around me. Ugh, why did he have to be so adorable and straight? "Love you Sh'rlock" He mumbled quietly. I wished he wasn't ill and delusional. That way there would be a chance that he actually meant it, but in this state? There was no way he knew what he was saying. I put my arm around him and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "I love you too, my dear Watson" I whispered gently. 

It was a couple of days of dealing with a delusional John before he finally began making some sort of sense. All I could hope for was for him not to remember it so  he didn't have to remember him saying he loved me. He was straight, after all, which he seemed to enjoy pointing out almost every time we left the apartment. 

In those couple of days, there was a lot of John wanting to cuddle, there was a lot of trying to get him to rest when he claimed he was fine and there was a lot of him sleeping like he did on the first day like a hedgehog which was incredibly adorable. 

When he was basically better, I asked him if he remembered anything from when he was delusional. He said no, but then he seemed to find the floor incredibly interesting. I sighed slightly because I wanted him to remember me telling him I love him, but at the same time I didn't want him knowing. 

I didn't reply after he answered no to my question, I just sat in my chair mulling things over in my head. He didn't remember, so it didn't matter. But then at the same time I wanted him to remember because it would save me so much pain which  didn't want to lock away with all the emotions. I also didn't want to lock away my emotio-

My thoughts were cut off my John's lips colliding with mine. I was shocked. John I'm-Not-Gay Watson was kissing me. Eventually,  and unfortunately, we had to pull back from the kiss to breathe. "You idiot" He said, smiling fondly. I frowned and cocked my head. "You really thought I would forget any memory that contained you?" I straightened my head and the left side of my mouth twitched up into a smile. I kissed him quickly but sweetly on the lips. "I love you too"







Hey guys, that was pretty bad, sorry, my next one will be better. I will probably update Saturday cuz I've got a shit ton of homework to do tomorrow and Friday so I guess I'll write then. Let me know what you think of this chapter in the comments x

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