Soulmates AU

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Hey yall, sorry about not having my usual A/N at the end of the last chapter, my laptop died and literally the only way I managed to post that was turning my laptop on and publishing it with 2% charge. So this is a soulmate AU, just in case yall didn't see the chapter title lol (yeah aren't I professional?). Basically, you have a soulmate, and they can feel your pain and vice versa. 

Sherlock's POV
I had always thought the idea of soulmates was ridiculous. You get one person you're supposed to love forever no matter what because tHeY wErE mAdE fOr YoU? Not only that, but you also have to bear the pain of an entire other person along with yours for your entire life? It seemed like an awful plan to try and make it seem like your life is great, but then it's like surprise, you have to deal with random person's suffering. 

To be honest, I deeply pitied the poor man or woman (preferably man) who would get stuck with me. I could be obnoxious, annoying, challenging and every other synonym for irritating under the sun. All I could hope for was a man who was patient, otherwise I would die alone.

I was also scared for my so-called soulmate because he was clearly abused very badly, probably by a family member. Almost every night I would feel terrible pains as if someone was beating me up. One time, I felt a glass bottle being smashed over my head. My heart hurt for my soulmate. No one should have to go through that. 

As I grew up, I got used to these nights. I was glad that he seemed to be okay during the day because not much happened then. During the day, people tended to leave me alone so I took a small amount of comfort in the fact that I wasn't causing him any more pain. 

John's POV
I always felt bad for whoever my soulmate was. He, whoever he was, would be getting all the pain that my stupid father inflicted on me. I knew he would get all of this pain every night from when my dad got home to when I managed to escape either to my room or out of the house. I especially felt awful for my soulmate when my dad smashed his beer bottle over my head to try and "knock some sense into me". More like knock me out. 

During the day at school, everyone left me alone because they thought I was weird. They didn't like me, they didn't talk to me. They spoke about me, of course, all the time, but there were always hushed whispers in the background as I walked past. 

I was honestly glad that my soulmate never seemed to get hurt, apart from when it was my fault. My fault. It was all my fault that my soulmate would be in pain everyday. There were may times when I genuinely considered ending it all so that I nor my soulmate would suffer anymore, but I could never do it. I just had to tell myself that, once I left home and got away from my dad, then I could meet my soulmate one day perhaps and I would be glad I didn't kill myself. Till then, all I could do was avoid my father at all costs.

3rd POV
This continued for a few years, until John was finally 18 and he left to go to university to study to be a doctor, an army doctor to be precise whereas Sherlock was studying to be a detective, though he already knew how to, he still needed the proof of his diploma. 

John had a generally normal university experience, and Sherlock's was similar to his secondary school - everyone thought of him as strange but they just didn't pay attention to him.

Sherlock ended up working with Scotland Yard solving cases when they were out of their depth, which seemed to be every other day to Sherlock. John went off to the army and was deployed in Afghanistan. One day, Sherlock got a searing pain while on a case, and he fell to the floor in agony. Everyone else seemed to think he was crazy, but it wasn't really that abnormal because everyone had similar experiences. Sherlock just hoped that his soulmate was okay.

Sherlock had a pain in his shoulder for weeks before it finally went away. He was working in the morgue one day when an acquaintance of his, Mike, walked in with a shorter man. Mike introduced the shorter man as John. Sherlock quickly deduced him, ex-army doctor, discharged for an injury, etc etc, all the normal stuff he would notice (I'm sorry this is so bad, I'm watching the Great British Bake Off finale so I'm multitasking :/). Not only that, but he was adorable. "Afghanistan or Iraq?" Sherlock asked nonchalantly. He looked baffled. Mike grinned, knowing what was happening. Sherlock launched into my explanations while John's eyes widened. (I can't remember exactly how it goes in ASIP but fight me lol.)

Sherlock's POV
I tole this "John" to meet me to see an apartment as 221B Baker Street where I wanted to rent an apartment from a lovely old lady called Mrs Hudson. She would charge us less since I had ensured the death of her drug dealer husband in Florida. John arrived and we went up to the apartment. It ended up with me inviting him on a case. 

At some point during the case, John ended up hurting himself pretty badly on something and I felt it too. I was shocked, but I decided to keep it a secret. 

We continued going on cases together for a few months. I was always careful to make sure that I didn't hurt myself in any way around him because I didn't want him finding out that we were soulmates. It wasn't that I didn't like him, I just wasn't sure if he actually liked me. Judging off the fact that his eyes dilated when he was around me, but then again, it was John, the one person I could barely deduce.  

Then, then came The Fall. I had to jump or I would have lost Mrs Hudson who had been like a mother to me, I have lost Gavin who had been one of my few friends and I would have lost John, my soulmate. I survived of course, thanks to Mycroft and a huge mattress of air. Hearing John's voice crack when he asked to see 'my' body broke my heart. 

It took me two years before I could reveal myself again. During those two years, I could feel John's cuts. My arm throbbed some nights, but what made it even worse was knowing that I was only feeling his physical pain. I couldn't even imagine what emotional pain he was going through. I always sat and listened to him when he came and spoke to 'my' grave, with tears rolling down both of our cheeks. 

One day, John came to my grave but this time holding a gun. I knew what he was going to do. "Hey Sherlock" He said. his voice was hoarse, as if he had been crying. "Uh I guess this is the last time I'm gonna be coming here, and um yeah hopefully I'll get to see you again. One last thing, I- I know we were soulmates and you tried t o hide it from me because you thought I didn't love you. Well, Sherlock, not even you can be right all the time, because I love you, you big idiot. I just wished that you had talked to me instead of, well, y'know." I cried during this mini speech he made, trying to hold back the sobs. I had been so stupid, not coming back earlier. I had to do something.

"John no" I said, jumping out of the tree to stand next to me. He stood there, almost as if he didn't believe his eyes. "Sher- Sherlock?" He asked timidly. I couldn't wait any longer and I grabbed him and brought him to my chest, holding him as if I'd never let go. I felt him sobbing gently against my shoulder, soaking my shirt, but I didn't care. I had John. "Home?" He asked. "Home" I said simply. 

When we got home, it was almost completely how I had left it, as if John hadn't even been living here. Then again, I knew John had barely been living. He had lost at least 9 pounds, as if he hadn't been eating, and I had felt the pains in my arm each night. The kitchen had been used, as had John's chair and he had been in his bedroom, but other than that, nothing had changed.

I looked at John and he just stared at the floor. Silently, I pulled him into a hug and he rested there. We decided to watch TV and light a fire since I had basically been frozen every night for two years. John complained about it being too warm and I just laughed at him. He just sighed and pulled his jumper off. Despite losing so much weight, he was still pretty muscular. Seeming content now, he lay back down, leaning against me. I absent mindedly began running my hand up and down his forearm when he suddenly pulled it away. Frowning, I looked down at him when I realised what I had done. His forearm was littered with scars. I took ahold of his wrist and gently kissed each of the scars before I kissed him on his now damp cheek. 

"John" "Yes, Sherlock?" "Look at me" He reluctantly looked up into my eyes. "I love you with or without your scars, okay? I loved you then, I love you now, and I will continue loving you forever, yeah? because we're soulmates." And with that, I leaned in and kissed him.






What's up ma dudes, it's currently 11pm and I am off to go read other Johnlock books lol. I don't think this chapter is very good, sorry. Let me know what you think in the comments x

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