Your "son"?

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Hey guys it's currently 2:44am (like, rn) and I'm kinda having a cherophobia panic attack look I don't fucking know, I was happy because of stuff and then I started thinking about it and now I can't breathe properly and my hands are shaking slightly (sorry in advance for any typos) so I'm just gonna write to take my mind off of it. This kinda has a TW: past abuse I guess sorry I'm not very good at this. 

John's POV
It was one of the nicer days today, one of the days where it was sunny and warm outside and there weren't any cases and I managed to convince Sherlock to come with me and Rosie to the park. I loved watching him looking out for her while he chattered about bees and she babbled on about nothingness seeing as she was only 18 months old. 

Sherlock and Rosie sat in the sand while I was on a bench next to them, watching them and occasionally talking to my husband. 

 "John?" I heard from a voice behind me and I instantly froze. If there was one thing in life that I had wanted over everything else, then it was to not hear that voice ever again. That voice still scared me more than any murderer or psychopath. 

I stood up and turned to face him, John Watson, my father. To be honest, I thought - no hoped - that he was dead after what he did to me. 

"Dad." I said shortly. 

(Okay I think I'm okay now so I'm gonna continue this after I sleep. Just a heads up in case the writing style changes) 

"How are you, son?" 

"Your son? I haven't been your son since you put me and my boyfriend in hospital on my 15th birthday."

"Hey that-" He was cut off by little Rosie.

"Daddy!" She yelled and reaching out to me. She got up and toddled over to me.

"Hey Bumble" I said, taking her into my arms and I rested her on my hip. Sherlock shot me a look that said Are you okay? I just shook my head ever so slightly. He merely nodded in reply but kept a close watch but I knew he didn't want to appear that he was intruding.  

"Aw who's this?" My father asked. I tightened my grip on Rosie tightened protectively. 

"This is my daughter, Rosie Watson" Holmes  I added in my head, but I knew it wasn't safe to tell him that Sherlock was also her father. 

"I have a granddaughter?" He asked. He sounded surprised

"Yes, your son had a daughter, therefore you have a granddaughter. That's how things work." I was upset with him for just being here and expecting everything to be fine. 

Dad opened his mouth to say something else but Rosie cut in. 

"Where's Papa?" Rosie asked innocently. I turned around to go pass her to Sherlock but he was standing right behind me. He took her from me. 

"Hello my little monsterina (this is a nickname my dad gave me when I was probably about 4 because I did ballet so ballerina but I was also a little monster so monsterina)" Sherlock hummed. She giggled and smiled at him. 

"John, can I talk to you alone?" My dad's voice was steely and forceful so I nodded and followed him. 

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't 'Papa' generally a term used for a father or grandfather? Who was that man?" He said when he had finished dragging me by the arm. 

"His name is Sherlock Holmes" I purposefully ignored the first question. 

"He's the man you blog about, is he not?" 

"He is."

"So is he just a friend?"

I sighed and decided, against my better judgement, to tell him the truth. 

"He's my husband. We've been married for a 8 months and he helped me raise my daughter and he helped me get over the death of my wife and he is the best person in my life."

"I thought you went through this phase when you were a teenager"

"Well yes, one would bury himself deep in the metaphorical closet after his father sent him to the hospital for beating him half to death" My voice was raised now. He couldn't expect everything to be fine after the pain he put me through. 

Suddenly, I was slapped across the face by the short - even in comparison to me - man standing in front of me. 

"I would suggest you wouldn't do that again unless you would like me to call my brother-in-law, Detective Inspector Lestrade. I'm sure he'd love to meet to meet you" I heard my husband say to my father from behind me. "And if you excuse us, then we must be getting home."

Sherlock took my hand and we started walking away. I was shaking slightly and I was sure Sherlock could feel it. 

We get home and Sherlock took Rosie up to my old room for me and I sat on the sofa while desperately trying to keep my tears in. My hands were clenched in an attempt to stop myself from shaking so visibly. All these years and he was still the thing that scared me most in the world. Hell, I had even joined the army just to get away from him. Risked my own life just to get away from my father. 

My breathing became laboured and I suddenly felt cold. He could find me again. He could hurt Sherlock. He could quite probably kill Rosie. I wouldn't be able to bear that. 

I suddenly felt Sherlock's arm around me and I leaned into the touch. 

"If he gets Rosie he'll kill her" I managed to choke out without letting my tears flow. 

"It's okay, John. I'll make sure he doesn't get her, I'll protect both of you. I've told Mycroft and he's made sure that he can't come within a mile of us."

"Thank you Sherlock, I-" A sob cut me off. 

"It's okay, Love, it's okay" He whispered, rocking me slightly and he pressed a kiss into my hair. 

For the first time in my life, I wasn't scared of my father because I knew Sherlock would protect me.








Hey guys, what's up. I started this at 2:44am on the 2nd of January and I just finished it, 21:48 on the 3rd of January, 3 writing sessions later lmao. Anyway, I hope you liked it (I think I got rid of all the typos from the shaky hands at the beginning). Anyway I have inset day tomorrow and Tuesday so I'll be able to write then but on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I have online school and possibly the week after that but idk. Hope you liked it, see you soon x

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