Why they are so gay

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This isn't technically a oneshot, but it's a short 1600 word essay I wrote with all the points I could think of backing up the fact that John and Sherlock are so gay. I may add to this in future if I think of extra points I missed out. Enjoy :)

In The Great Game, Moriarty threatened to burn the heart out of Sherlock when they were at the pool. Then, in The Empty Hearse, John was being burned alive inside of a bonfire. These two incidents are not directly related - Sherlock was being threatened by Moriarty while John was put in the fire by Magnussen. However, this is linked in the way that John is portrayed as Sherlock's heart.

At Irene Adler's house in Scandal in Belgravia, Sherlock himself said "Amazing how fire exposes our priorities" when tripping a fire alarm to get Irene to look at the thing she loves most. This is then carried across again to The Empty Hearse when Sherlock drags John out of the fire. John is so clearly Sherlock's main priority in life, despite being a self-proclaimed sociopath.

John always compliments Sherlock at various crime scenes, mainly shown in A Study in Pink, The Great Game, and The Empty Hearse. He describes Sherlock as "Amazing", "Brilliant", etc., which, by itself, is rather gay, but then in The Hounds of Baskerville, Sherlock manages to upset John, and to make him feel better, he compliments John. The compliments he uses are the same ones John always called him, i.e. brilliant and amazing. This shows us that Sherlock learned how to be nice to people from John, but he only ever uses his genuine kindness on John and only John.

Almost everyone they meet think that they are a couple, and I don't think that this is a coincidence. When so many people assume that you are a couple, surely you are doing at least a few homosexual-seeming things? What secures this point to an even gayer level is that Sherlock never once denied that he and John were a couple. I think that this could either be because he wants to be in a relationship with John but can't, or they are in a relationship, but they have to keep it hidden because John isn't ready for everyone to know.

In The Lying detective, we see John depressed over the death of Mary, to the point where he breaks down crying in the living room of 221B Baker Street in front of Sherlock. In response, Sherlock took John in his arms and held him close as he cried. I am not saying that this in itself it gay, as I hug many of my friends without being in a relationship, but it can mean they love each other in a way, as I love many of my friends platonically. However, Sherlock rests his head on John's head, showing emotions he shows to no one else. This implies that Sherlock trusts John enough to let his walls down when he is around him, which shows a certain type of love, even if it is just platonic.

Love is often shown through an action such as a kiss, but in all honesty, you don't need that to show how much you love someone. In the last scenes of The Final Problem, John and Sherlock are shown sharking 221B Baker Street together once more, but this time with little baby Rosie. I fully believe that they raised Rosie together and were a little family. My reasoning for this? There were only two bedrooms, and Rosie would need one of herself when she got older, but John still decided to move back in knowing that he couldn't stay in that room upstairs forever. This means he would have to find somewhere else to sleep, but he wouldn't move in if he knew he could have to move out again in a couple of years, so I really do think John and Sherlock started sharing a bedroom.

In The Reichenbach Falls, Moriarty threatens the only three people Sherlock truly cares for - Mrs Hudson, Lestrade, and John. Later on in the show, His Last Vow, Sherlock gets shot and then goes into shock. When this happens, Mycroft, Anderson, and Molly are there. This is because the people on the hitlist were the people he cared for, the people in his heart, but when he went into shock, he needed his head, but his rule is "Never let your heart rule your head". This implies that John was in Sherlock's heart. This can also be used against Sherlolly shippers because Molly was in his heart, not his head. However, it doesn't work against people who ship Lestrade and Sherlock but honestly, if you ship Lestrade and Sherlock, please reconsider your life choices (just kidding... kinda).

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