Another Soulmates AU

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Hey guys, I'm feeling better and I actually have energy to do shit. That and my friends are actually talking to me again so that's good. I'm currently cuddling a snake which is fun lol.  Anyway, for this story, I got the inspiration from a girl on Instargram who does different Reels about Soulmate AU stuff, like there was one where you have to get your soulmate a list of 5 things, there was one where you can see how much money they have etc. This was probabaly my favourite one and it's one where they swap bodies for a day. Just to note - I'll write John's POV as John even though he's in Sherlock's body and vice versa, if that makes any sense. 

John's POV
I woke up as usual, but I realised something. Where the hell was I? Wasn't I in Afghanistan? Why was I now in some random bed?

I decided to get up and see where I was. Then it hit me. This must be where my soulmate lives and this must be the 24 hours that we switched. 

When I stood up, the floor seemed a lot further away than usual. Jesus, how tall was this person? At a guess, he was probably about 6ft. I went into the living room and it was a mess. Papers were thrown everywhere, books were in random piles scattered around the place and there was a yellow smiley face spray painted on the wall with several bullet holes in it.

On the kitchen table there was a huge mess of different science equipment. I caught a glance in the mirror and I realised how handsome my soulmate was. He had dark brown curls and galaxy eyes. He had high, sharp cheekbones  and perfectly shaped lips. How could he be my soulmate? I was just a normal person. 

Then it dawned in me. I hoped whoever this was knew how to fight because right now he would be in Afghanistan. Well that wasn't very good. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a phone ringing. When I found the phone, the Caller ID said "Greg Lestrade". I contemplated whether or not to answer it. 

"Hello?" I asked once I had answered. Jesus his voice was deep.

"Sherlock" 'Greg' said, whoever he was. "Case for you. Double homicide, we're stumped"

"Uh, can this wait until tomorrow?"

"You're delaying a case? Are you okay, Sherlock? Are you high again? Do I need to call Mycroft?"

"No, I'm fine" I said and I quickly hung up and put the phone down on the table.

Ugh this day was not going well so far and I was looking forward to it ending. War in Afghanistan was hell, but at least I knew what was going on there. Here, I knew absolutely nothing. 

Throughout the day, I just lay around not really doing much. I couldn't really do anything, could I? The mysterious Lestrade tried to call again, and this so called Mycroft that he had mentioned earlier, but I declined all of their calls. In hindsight, that probably just scared them even more but there wasn't anything I could do about that.

For the rest of my time there, I just wached crap telly and pretended to know who the woman downstairs was. 

Sherlock's POV (several hours earlier due to time differences)
I got woken up by yells outside. Confused, I sat up in bed and stretched, looking around. Wait a second... where the hell was I? 

I looked down and the ground seemed a lot closer than usual. What on Earth happned?

Then it hit me. This is the 24 hour switch thing which is enforced on us with no choice. I didn't want a soulmate. 

Still wondering where I was, I looked around again. I seemed to be in an army base camp... thing? So my soulmate was in the army? There was a med kit in the corner, and there seemed to be a lot more doctor-y stuff around so he must be an army doctor. 

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