Uh hi

398 16 36

Hi guys. I have a few things to say

1. I know a few people requested some part 2's to chapters I did, and I promise I will do them eventually.

2. Thank you all for being understanding about the lack of updates.

3. After the part 2's, I'm not sure if they will be anymore chapters.

This brings me on to my 4th point.

4. I feel like I'm slowly leaving the Sherlock fandom. 

Let me explain. I love Sherlock so much, this is evident. Recently, it hasn't particularly interested me, which breaks my heart a little bit because it has been such a big part of my life for 18 months now. 

When I was younger, I loved the Marvel films that were out at the time (i.e. Captain America the First Avenger, Avengers Assemble etc.) and I haven't seen any Marvel films since Endgame. A few days ago, my mum and I started watching them in order and I've fallen back in love with it and it has become my new fixation over Sherlock.

Currently, I'm spending most of my free time reading Stucky fanfics (bcs I'm cool and quirky like that). Whenever I think of writing a Johnlock fanfic, it doesn't interest or excite me.

The last time I felt like this is when I started this book.

I don't want to say that I'm gonna write those part 2's I promised and then end the book because there is a chance I will get back in to Sherlock fairly soon.

However, there is also a reality I have to face of this becoming like my other fixations and me abandoning it.

I really don't want to abandon it, I love you all so much and I love providing chapters for you all.

But, realistically, I am not going to be in this fandom forever. It's been 18 months since I first fell in love with Sherlock and just less than that since I started this book. 18 months is a long time for me to fixate on something, so be surprised I even made it this far. 

Honestly, all I can do is write the remaining chapters and watch some episodes of Sherlock to see if that gets me interested again. If it does, then great. If it doesn't, then I'm sorry. 

I'll see you guys soon in the next couple of chapters <3

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