Una <3

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This isn't a chapter, this is me talking about the passing of one of the most wonderful people to have existed. I have done some announcements about this, but I think that she deserves her own chapter.

I heard of her death earlier today when I was with my brother and my dad. I saw it on an Instagram post, so I said "Una Stubbs has died."

All my brother said was "Who?", which is absolutely disgraceful. No one on this earth should have to live without knowing about this incredible woman.

My dad said "Oh, really?", because he knew who she was, but it didn't seem to impact him at all. 

After this interaction with my family, I promptly went up to my room to cry for an hour. 

I have not seen anything with Una in apart from Sherlock, but she was absolutely amazing as Mrs Hudson. As a fandom, we couldn't have asked for a better actress to portray our favourite landlady. For that, we thank her. 

No one will ever be able to replace her.

I owe her so much. She made the show I love so much even better. Her character was the best in the show, hands down, and I will miss her so much. Whenever I am feeling upset, I can watch an episode of Sherlock, and Mrs Hudson will make me laugh, no matter how sad or angry I am.

We lost a legend. One who never should and never can be replaced.

I am broken by this news. I am so incredibly upset that I can barely articulate how I'm feeling. 

I think I will be upset about this for a very long time, possibly forever. Just reading the news hit me like a ton of bricks.

In every Sherlock fanfic I have ever read, I have thought of Mrs Hudson as immortal because losing her would hurt too much. I always thought the same of Una. I knew she wasn't immortal - no one is. Yet there was a part of me that always thought that she would be here forever, and as long as we don't forget her, she will be here forever.

This news has even made me hope that maybe there won't be a season 5 of Sherlock. As much as I love the show, I don't know if I can have 221 Baker Street without Mrs Hudson. The thought that the writers now have the ability to show Mrs Hudson's funeral absolutely terrifies me because I know that it would break me. It would break me into a thousand pieces.

12/08/21, we lost a legend.

Una, I miss you so much, and I always will. Rest in peace <3

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