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Hey plant, sorry for not updating for a while, life's been hectic, I've been packing stuff up at my nan's house. I am sitting in my room eating leftover Chinese food and I'm on a video call with my friend and we are writing. This was inspired by a oneshot which was in a book written by soul_cab_co which is very much good so read their books. 

Sherlock's POV
It was 2am and I had just finished an experiment that proved that Mr Williams (not me using the name of my primary school head teacher :/) killed his son. I messaged Lestrade the results of the analysis (please tell me that makes sense) and I got up to go to bed. I decided to leave my experiment to be cleaned up tomorrow and I staggered towards my bedroom. 

I got to the door and started opening it when I heard talking in John's bedroom. Frowning, I decided to go and see if anything was wrong. 

His door was slightly open so I just went in. For a moment, I thought that he had woken up, so I tried whispering his name but I got no answer. Then I noticed that he was talking in his sleep. Not full sentences, but broken words, but it was enough to kind of get the gist of what was happening in his dreams. 

I stood there, towering over him, listening to his mumbling, praying that he didn't awake to find me standing over him while he was sleeping again. 

The word he seemed to repeat most often was "Sherlock". Why would John be dreaming about me of all people? He seemed to just be dreaming about being on a case with me. I felt like I was doing something wrong, like I was intruding on his personal life.

That didn't stop me from listening to him everynight as he slept. I didn't learn anything I didn't already know, apart from the fact that not only did John talk in his sleep, he also laughed and giggled a lot in his sleep. 

It was all fun and games (Oh God I can hear my year 6 teacher yelling "Chwarae'n trio'n chwerw" at us as we swung our swimming bags at each other) until one night, I learned something that had never even occured to me. He said the words "Love you Sh'rlock." 

For the rest of the night I just sat there in silence, stunned by what my unconscious friend had said. At least my feelings were reciprocated. 

Despite knowing that he loved me back, I couldn't tell him. He would ask me how I knew and he would find out that I watched him sleep.

(Ima sleep and continue this later, sorry, just saying incase the style changes)  

I still continued to watch him sleep throughout the nights and I found it incredibly interesting. It was the one thing that I could do for hours and not be bored of. 

Then our lives went all wrong. Moriarty had forced me to make everyone think that I was dead. I had to jump, I couldn't let the one person I love die, not when it was my fault.

Over the two years I was gone, the one thing I missed most was John. I missed the city of London, I missed Mrs Hudson, and cases, but none of that compared to the pain I was feeling because I didn't have my blogger with me.

Every night I would miss watching him as he slept, completely oblivious to what was happening. I missed the broken parts of conversation that I would hear. Sure, it made me feel like I was violating his privacy, but it also made me feel special because I knew he loved me back.

Whenever I was held captive by my enemies in those two years, my mind would go to John, how his smile made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, how his laugh was one of the most beautiful things I had ever heard, how his eyes were the most beautiful, piercing blue colour that I had ever seen. 

When I had finally taken down the last of Moriarty's men, I could finally return to John. I was almost relieved to see that he hadn't moved on. Yes, I had missed him immensely, and I felt so incredibly guilty that I caused him all that pain, but he also hadn't just forgotten about me. It meant that I had made such an impact on his life that he didn't just forget me when I left him. 

Johnlock Fluff (mostly) OneshotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя