Cuddles (Literally Just Fluff)

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So, I haave 2 other chapters in the making, but I want to write this because guess who just watched The Reichenback Falls and needs very much hugs and fluff? Me. So, lets het down to writing some fluff. Another thing - thank you guys so fricking much for 2.5k x :)

John's POV
I came home from a bad day at work. It had been a very long day with very annoying patients with very annoying injuries. To be honest, I just wanted to go and lie down. 

When I went up the stairs to our flat, I was planning on going into mine and Sherlock's bedroom but I just collapsed on the sofa. My eyes began to close involuntarily and I began to fall asleep. I hadn't even spoken to Sherlock yet

Upon waking up, I realised that I was no longer alone. I cracked one of my eyes open and saw a mop of dark curls in front of my face and I could feel his arms and legs wrapped around my body. He was still awake - his beautiful, multi-coloured eyes were open and staring, like he had been watching me sleep. Knowing him, he probably had been. 

 "John, you're awake!" Sherlock exclaimed happily with a grin on his face.

"Hello, love, how are you?"

"Bored. No new cases, no exciting experiments and you fell asleep"

"Sorry, long day full of idiotic people"

"Welcome to my world, Dr Watson, welcome to my world"

I chuckled lightly and dug my head into his chest, sighing softly. 

We lay there for an hour or so, I was dozing and Sherlock was in his mind palace. Eventually, we decided to order Chinese food and watch a film. 

Once we had ordered and it had arrived, Sherlock put on my favourite film and we curled up on the sofa to watch and eat. I was leaning against Sherlock's under a big pile of blankets and his arm was around me. Once I had finished eating, I began to slowly fall asleep against Sherlock. I really was exhausted. 

When I woke up 3 hours later, I had been moved from the sofa to our bed. I rolled over to face Sherlock and he was lying there, watching me yet again.

"Mm, night Sherly"

"Goodnight, John" 

The last thing I felt was Sherlock pressing a kiss gently to my forehead as I lost consciousness (I am so sorry if that is spelled wrong).







Sorry that sucked and it was so short I just feel like I can't do anything but I don't wanna be a disappointment so I'll try and keep updating. Hope you enjoyed this shitty little chapter I did, see yall soon x

Johnlock Fluff (mostly) OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora