Chapter 3

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Dream enters the room to see Technoblade holding me at sword point. 

"Techno, what the heck", Dream shouts, summoning his axe. 

Technoblade's eyes shift between me and Dream when suddenly he puts his sword away. I let out the breath I wasn't even aware I was holding in. 

"Dream", Techno starts, "well this is awkward". 

"What are you doing here", Dream asks angrily, slowly advancing. 

"You see, I happened to stumble upon this place, found her inside and she was being difficult, so I used the advance technique of scaring her to get what I want", Technoblade responds. 

"Is that so", Dream growls, "what could you possibly want from her?" 

"Information... or some spare loot".

I could see Dream was teeming with rage. "Hey", I interject, "I'm ok. Don't lose it on him just yet".

Dream nods slightly in acknowledgement. 

"Well, I ought to be going", Technoblade says while slowing inching backwards. 

"Wait, I have an offer", Dream says, stopping Technoblade. 

"I'm listening". 

"I'm willing to provide the gear and items you need, if you keep this house and y/n a secret from everyone", Dream proposes. 

"So, you want me to tell everyone you're homeless?" 

"What, I'm not homeless! Ugh... fine. Say what you must", Dream says.

"Perfect", Technoblade says with a smirk.


After the Technoblade incident, Dream decides I need to learn how to fight mobs. He makes me an iron sword and basic bow, so I don't one shot all the mobs. Dream tells me all about fighting strategies as we wait for the sun to go down. Once it's dark, I peer out the windows, looking for shadowy figures in the night.

"Is it time yet", I ask, both excited and nervous. 

Dream chuckles, "we can go now. Are you sure you don't want any more tips?" 

"Let's just see how I do on my own first". 

"Ok, let's go see then". 

We walk out into the darkness and travel a small distance from the house when Dream whispers to me. "Ok y/n, let's see what you're made of. If things go really badly, run away and I can step in". 

"Got it", I whisper back. 

I slowly walk away from Dream, torch in my left hand, searching for mobs. Suddenly, I hear a noise that sounds like a cross between a growl and a moan. I whip around to see a zombie walking up behind me. 


I slash at the zombie and sidestep to avoid it's counter attack. Two more hits and the zombie fizzles into a pile of rotten flesh. 

"Ew", I whisper while taking a closer look at it. 

I feel something go flying by my face. 

"What the- OW!"

I look and see an arrow protruding from my left arm. I look to my left and see a skeleton midway through reloading an arrow. I immediately hit the floor, narrowly avoiding an arrow that was coming directly at my head. The moment I see the skeleton start to reload, I charge it. I get two hits in before it has reloaded. 

I quickly lunge to the side as the skeleton tries firing from close range, it misses. I capitalize on the time the skeleton needs to reload and quickly hit it three more times, killing it. I continue killing mobs until my body starts to tire. I'm making my way back to the house when I see a strange purple light. 

"Is that-?" 

I don't even get the words out when a deafening noise starts echoing from every direction. I'm hit in the back, so I turn around and swing my sword with all my might, but nothing is there. I get hit again, this time on the side. I swing as fast as I can, hitting the creature before it disappears again. Shoot, I aggravated an enderman. 

The attacks keep coming, but I'm not making contact. I feel my body weakening from all of the blows. I start fleeing, but I can't outrun the teleporting monster. 

"Dream", I yell out, "help!" 

Instantaneously, Dream materializes and begins hitting the enderman, killing it immediately. 

"Thank you", I say, embarrassed that I needed help. 

"You did very well for your first time", Dream says with a reassuring smile. "Let's go back home and heal you up". 

When we get home, Dream helps get the arrow out of my arm. He then walks over to the chests and produces a potion bottle. 

"I've been working on my brewing lately, drink this!" 

I take the bottle and drink. 

"Ahh", I sigh blissfully. 

My entire body relaxes, all pain subsides, and I feel rejuvenated by the potion. 

"That was amazing, thank you Dream!" 

"Only the best for my students", he says with a laugh.

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