Chapter 24

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"We're here", Tommy says looking up at the obsidian structure looming overhead. 

"We're here", I echo. Tommy and I have been standing stuck in place for the last five minutes, staring at the prison, neither willing to enter it. 

Tommy snaps out of it. "Alright, y/n, let's get this over with."

I feel my legs turning beneath me, moving me forward, but every fiber of my being screamed at me to turn back and leave. However, I won't leave Tommy alone, so into the prison I went. Inside the entrance, we find a doorbell. Upon pressing it, Sam's voice rings out from hidden speakers in the room.

"Hello. How can I help the two of you?"

"Hi, Sam", Tommy responds. "We're here to see Dream."

There's a flash of purple and the wall in front of us transforms into a nether portal. "Enter through the portal please", Sam instructs. After we walk in, we are in a small enclosed room. There is a slight delay until Sam tells us to go back through the portal. When we do so we enter a large room with Sam standing behind a desk in the center of it.

Tommy and Sam discuss the nature of our visit while I stand a little behind. Sam has the two of us sign a few contracts and put away our possessions in a locker before getting us through the tedious entering process. 

It was security measure, after security measure, after security measure. Despite being able to see how nearly impossible it would be to escape, it did nothing to calm my panicking nerves. After going through a lava trap, Tommy and I found ourselves at the base of a huge staircase. Upon climbing the stairs we found that it was just a small room with a few switches on the side and a wall of lava. Sam walks over to the levers and commands me and Tommy to go to the wall of lava.

There Tommy and I stand, facing the lava. I could tell how nervous Tommy was with the way he was looking everywhere but the lava, angering Sam. It felt like it was taking forever, but eventually, the lava drained to where the top of the opening was clearing out. I held my breath and grabbed Tommy's hand for support. The lava settled and there he was, sitting patiently for us. Every instinct within me told me to run away, but my legs betrayed me as they got on the conveyor that brought me and Tommy to the cell over the lava.

The next thing I know, we were at the entrance of the cell, and Dream slowly stood up and made his way to us. His mask has been discarded somewhere on the floor, so I can see the controlled anger behind his forest-green eyes. His hair has grown out and he looks exhausted, but one would never know with the way he confidently approached us. 

"Well if it isn't two of my favorite people, y/n and Tommy. To what do I owe this... pleasure."

Dream's piercing eyes locked on me and I feel myself freeze. The last time I saw this man, he had killed me. I feel a tingle in my chest from the memory and lift my hand over my stomach. Dream's gaze shifts down and he smirks upon seeing my action. That's when Tommy speaks up. 

"A lot has changed since you've been gone." 

"You're here to rub in that I've been stuck, Tommy? I thought you would be above something like this. Guess I was wrong and you just act like a child."


Tommy and Dream continue to bicker as I glance around the cell. There wasn't much in there: a bed, chest, sink, lecture, and clock. Have we really left him in here for five months? This place seems awful let alone being in solitary confinement. 

Tommy and Dream have gotten noticeably louder in their shouting match. "I GUESS YOU AREN'T HOMELESS ANYMORE YOU GREEN TELETUBBY!"

Dream opens his mouth to retaliate but I interrupt them. 

"Stop it, both of you! Dream, we are here to let you know about Wilbur." 

"What about him", Dream says bored. "I guarantee there's nothing you could tell me about Wilbur that would surprise me."

"How about the fact he was controlling everyone." 

Dream freezes and an unreadable expression crosses his face. 

I continue. "He had powers that allowed him to influence-" 

"You're wrong." 

"I-I'm what?" 

"You're wrong", Dream says again, more firmly this time. 

"No Dream, you don't understand. Wilbur was controlling-"

"WILBUR DIDN'T CONTROL A THING! It was all me- I'm the one controlling everything!" Dream takes a step towards me. "How dare you suggest someone was more in power than myself, especially when you were the one who armed me with knowledge, y/n." Dream's face is painted in rage as he takes another step towards me. 

I stumble backward into Tommy, desperate for help.

"Sam, SAM!", Tommy calls out. "We're done!" 

A small divide erupts out of the floor, separating Dream from me and Tommy. The platform me and Tommy used to get to the cell returns to get us out. 

"Are you both ok", Sam asks us once the machine has fully retracted and pulled us into safety. 

"We-we're fine", I respond with a shaky voice. I then turn to face Tommy. "Tommy, I don't want to ever come back." 

"That's ok y/n, I understand. I'll come back later and see if I can properly explain the Wilbur situation and the terms of him potentially leaving prison."

I nod my head in appreciation. "Thank you."


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