Chapter 13

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Despite getting his weapons back days ago, Technoblade continues to grow his dog army. I try bringing it up to Tommy, asking him why the dogs were still important now that Techno has his weapons, but Tommy dismisses my concerns. He reassures me that Technoblade was now growing the army to help him get his discs back. Technoblade and I were in the middle of a training session when I decide to voice my concerns to him. 

"Techno, when you said you were making a hound army to destroy L'manberg, did you mean to actually destroy them or just retrieve your weapons?" 

"Both I guess", he says. 

"But I thought you told Tommy you weren't going to destroy L'manberg", I continue.

"Well I didn't trust him not to betray me, ok?", Technoblade explains. 

"What about now? I think he deserves to know the truth now, Techno", I say. 

"I guess you're right", he mutters. "Fine, I'll tell Tommy after this". After training, I watch as Technoblade finds Tommy. "Tommy, there's something I need to tell you". 

"What is it Blade?", he asks with a smile. 

"I've been withholding some information from you. My real plan is to destroy the government and all of L'manberg with it". 

"Oh", Tommy says, surprised. 

"Now, telling you this does NOT mean you have to do it with me", Technoblade explains. 

"Oh- ok", Tommy says, still looking shocked. 

"But", Technoblade continues, "I have not forgotten about your discs".

Tommy's eyes light up at the mention of his discs.

"Here's the plan: tomorrow L'manberg is holding a festival. While everyone is too busy celebrating we will search for the discs and if necessary, find Tubbo and use some 'special persuasion' to get him to give us what we need". 

Tommy nods eagerly at the plan. "That's an amazing plan, Techno! I'm going to go prepare", he says as runs off. 

I turn to Technoblade, "We're going to threaten Tubbo for the discs tomorrow?" 

"Yes, and you do not have to come", Technoblade assures me. 

I pause, "No, I want to come."

"You, do?" 

"Yes, let's get these discs back. For Tommy!"


Tommy, Techno, and I all stand on a small platform outside the limits of L'manberg. We are all invisible, yet refrain from speaking so as to not alert the people passing by us. It was time for the party to start, yet everyone seemed to be anxiously waiting for something. 

"What are they waiting on?", Tommy mutters impatiently. 

I search the horizon and gasp, "It's him".

"Who? Where?", both whisper. 

"He's coming down the prime path, near the top of the hill". 

Dream, in his full netherite, comes running down the path and stops directly in front of L'manberg. He ignores everyone's greetings and instead immediately begins building an obsidian wall around the entrance to the country. 

"Dream, stop!", Tubbo yelled. "What are you doing?" 

Dream turns to Tubbo. "You have broken your promise to exile Tommy", Dream yells, continuing to build a wall. 

"What? No, Tommy is still banished". 

"Then why was he here yesterday?", Dream demands. 

I can hear Tommy's breath hitch.

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