Chapter 19

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Am I... am I dead? 

I wake up in a mysterious black void of a room. I am in complete silence and darkness. I try calling out into the darkness. 


There's a pause before I hear a low voice respond. 

"Ah yes, you're finally here". 

I turn to see a man in a yellow sweatshirt studying me from a distance. 

"Ghostbur? What are you doing here? How are we here? Wait... where is here?" 

"The better question is why are you here, y/n? You're not supposed to be here". 

 "What do you mean why am I here- I don't know!" My eyes narrow, "Ghostbur are you ok? You seem... off". 

Ghostbur laughs, but it's not the friendly light tinkling I've grown accustomed to. Instead, it sends chills down my spine. "Oh, y/n", he says, "I'm not Ghostbur- he's not even real". 

Ghostbur's appearance seems to go out of focus. When he solidifies he is no longer in his signature yellow sweater- instead he's wearing the dark brown trench coat from the Wilbur insanity arc. Ghostbur-no Wilbur gives me a haunting smile. "I'll ask one more time... what are you doing in my world?"

"I- I don't understand. Am I dead? Am I going to become a ghost? What do you mean this is your world?" 

"Y/n, you can ask questions later, but for now- it's my turn. How did you get here?" 

I think back. "Dream, he killed me". 

"No y/n, no. How did you get here? How did you wind up in my world?" 

"I don't- I don't know. I just woke up in this forest surrounded by four walls". 

Wilbur nods thoughtfully. "Ok... well, how did you know that this world is scripted?"

I pause, hesitant to share the secret I've been hiding from everyone, but then I realize there's no point in lying to Wilbur- he already seems to be aware of the world's enigmatic situation. "I'm not from this world, but the one I am from believes that this world is part of a Minecraft roleplay server".

"Ah, there it is! So you came in knowing about my plot and characters. You see y/n, the second I felt your presence in this world, I've been trying to get rid of you. I sent Dream to find you in spawn, expecting he'd kill a mysterious trespasser, but instead, you revealed my little secret.
You made me lose control of Dream there for a little bit. However, it was quite easy seeing how he took the information to guide him right back into his villainous role. When he 'decided' he was the bad guy, convincing him to kill you off was easy. That is until he directly correlated his ability to succeed to you and your knowledge of 'the script'. Thankfully him getting defeated by you and the two boys made him recognize that the 'bad guy' ultimately loses in the end anyways, which was enough that, with some minor editing to the script, he ended you". 

"You- you wrote in the script for Dream to kill me? You're the reason I died?!"

"That's the thing y/n- I've written for countless things to kill you in the script. I've been wanting to bring you here sooner! I was confident in my plan to have Technoblade blinded by his rage towards Tommy and you nearby to sacrifice yourself, but that rather unfortunate event didn't seem to finish you off quite like I wanted". Wilbur tilts his head and smirks, "However, I knew if I waited a little longer a new opportunity would present itself... and it did". 

"Well you did it- you got me killed! What do you want from me now?"

"I want to know how you resisted my script", Wilbur says, growing serious.

"What does that even mean? Maybe because I was introduced to this world knowing that it isn't real, it doesn't work on me?"

"Y/n, you don't understand. This whole time I have been trying to add you as a character to the script. I gave you friends, I gave you enemies, I gave you a training arc, heck- I even tried giving you 'voices' just to see if it would put you under my control. Yet you always seemed to break free of my control. How? How did you do it?"

I pause to absorb everything that has been revealed to me. "Listen, Wilbur, I don't know how I got here. I know even less about how I am resisting your script. What I do know is that what you are doing is wrong. Nobody should have this kind of power- nobody should be playing 'god'. Right now, you are the bad guy of this world, and what I've learned from story plots is that bad guys like you need to be stopped". 

I position myself in a fighting stance. Wilbur looks at me and laughs. "Oh y/n, fine. I'll give you a chance to fight me. Let's dance", he says, charging at me. 

I see Wilbur closing the distance and try to side-step, but Wilbur predicts my movement, his fist connecting with my face. I fall backwards, clutching the impact site. Wilbur stands over me with a smirk.

"You forgot y/n- I'm the one who allowed you to learn how to fight". 

I try to kick Wilbur's legs out from underneath him, but I botch the move. Wilbur easily dodges. He then grabs my arms and hoists me to my feet. Before I can defend myself, Wilbur swiftly lands a firm kick on my chest, sending me flying backwards. 

"Ow", I mutter.

Wilbur stalks towards me. "You think you can win this? Y/n, you've been here for so long now I've been slowly getting control over you! Haven't you felt it- you getting slowly added to the storyline? It may not be perfect yet, but if you won't tell me how you got here, then you are of no use to me- other than some entertainment. I'll just throw you back into the world so I can watch you struggle. Maybe after enough time you'll completely succumb to my powers and learn how to properly stick to the script", he cackles.

I look up at him towering over me. 

"I'm going to stop you", I vow.

"I'd like to see you try", he sneers. Wilbur then snaps his fingers and my world goes dark once more. 


I hope you guys enjoyed it!!!! :)


I want to thank all of you for the kind comments and dms (they really make writing this story feel so special)

Also- Happy St. Patrick's Day!🍀

Ily all sooo much! You are all amazing and I will see you soon...


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