Chapter 20

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I'd like to see you try...

Wilbur's final words echo throughout my head as I am plunged into darkness. I feel as if my body is free-falling until I suddenly feel solid ground beneath me. I hesitantly open my eyes to find that I'm back at Spawn. I haven't been here since Dream found me. 

I make my way out of the fortified forest using the secret route Dream showed me all the time ago. I immediately begin making my way towards Tommy's embassy. As I get closer, I see a familiar figure in the distance. 

"Tommy?", I call out.

The person turns to face me, their eyes widening.

"Y/n? Y/n is that... is that you? Oh my gosh, they told me you died!", Tommy cries, rushing to hug me. He collapses in my arms, "I'm so glad you're ok!" Tommy breaks the hug to look me in the eyes. "What happened? Why did Sam tell everyone that Dream killed you?" 

"That's because he did kill me!" 

Tommy's eyes grow clouded. "You died, but you're back now?" 

I'm thrown off by the shift in Tommy's demeanor, but I ignore it, determined to reveal Wilbur's secret, "Yeah- but I have something really impor-" 

"You knew this whole time how to revive someone?", Tommy asks accusatorily. 

"What? No, Tommy, I don't know how to revive people". 

"You liar!", Tommy yells with a rage he's never addressed me with before. "I always knew you were keeping a secret from me. The Revive Book, you gave it to Dream, didn't you?" 

"The Revive Book? What's that?", I ask.

"Don't play stupid, y/n, we all heard Dream tell us in his lair. You were there". 

"I- I wasn't paying attention!", I stammer. 

"LIAR!", he roars.

"I'm not lying! When I died I met Wilbur in the afterlife, not Ghostbur, but Wilbur. He revived me". 

"DON'T LIE TO ME! Just shut up!", Tommy shouts, summoning his sword. 

Startled by Tommy's outburst, I take a step back. I refrain from yelling back in response, instead, I search his eyes, but I am unable to find a trace of the boy I was great friends with. "Tommy?", I say, my voice weak. 

"Just stay quiet and come with me". 

We trudge in silence for a few seconds. I can see that we are approaching a large group in the distance. As we get closer I can see that the large crowd of people makes up almost everyone in the world. Tommy turns to address the people. "Y/n here is affiliated with Dream and managed to revive herself after dying". 

I hear a few gasps as everyone turns to stare at me.

"She belongs in prison with her partner!", Tommy yells. 

"What? No! You promised Tommy- you promised you would always be there for me!", I cry out. 

Tommy's nostrils flare. "Don't you dare say that! You also promised me, y/n! You got yourself killed and then managed to bring yourself back. Only Dream claims to know of the revive book, so either he told you and you kept it a secret, or you already knew of it and hid it from all of us". 

"No Tommy, I didn't revive myself! Wilbur he-" 

"SHUT UP!", Tommy roars, cutting me off. "You do NOT get to speak of him. I could have my brother back if it weren't for you being selfish. I really thought you were different- better than others, but now I see how wrong I was. Take her away", Tommy says, nodding to the people behind me.

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