Chapter 7

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I had spent a few days sitting in Dream's room. The first day I sat in silence, still unable to comprehend everything. However, everyday after that I made it my mission to get into Dream's head. I tried making him feel guilty, I tried reasoning with him, and at some points I just talked to annoy him. I was unaware how much I was getting to Dream until the fourth day. 

Dream had left earlier in the morning and had returned early in the afternoon to check on me. Before I could begin my shenanigans, Dream informs me that I no longer will be staying in his room. Dream kneels behind me and unties my wrists from the fence post. He then picks me up like a sack of potatoes and flings me over his shoulder. I'm about to start a string of protests when Dream summons his sword and flashes it in front of me. I fall quiet and watch the earth move underneath Dream's feet. 

Dream carries me outside and I strain my neck to look where we are going, spotting a new structure right beside the house. Dream walks to the new structure, opening the door. Inside, the area was a little larger than my bedroom. Dream puts me down in the far end of the structure and unties my wrists. I look around and see that the the room is split into two by a glass wall with an iron door. Dream walks to the other half of the room and locks the iron door, sealing me in the glass enclosure. 

"Why?", I simply ask. 

"Because, I hated the idea that you would find a way to escape when I was gone... and now you will know to stop messing with me". 

"You really think that you can just keep me here forever", I ask incredulously. 

"Y/n, who else knows you're here? Who even knows you exist?" 

"Technoblade does", I interject. 

"Oh y/n, Technoblade is so sensitive when it comes to betrayals, and as far as he's concerned, you left both of us to join the forces of L'manberg". 

My heart stops, "you didn't! He-he wouldn't believe you anyways!" 

"But I did... and he did". 

"You're a monster, I'm going to get out of here and come after you myself!" 

"No, no you won't. You'll be in here, waiting for me to get you out, begging for me to trust you again".

"I will never join you again", I snarl. 

"I'll be back tomorrow to see how your fighting spirit is doing. Oh and one last thing, y/n, I think you need to look up". 

Confused, I look up to see a dispenser in the ceiling of the roof. I turn back to Dream to ask him what was in there, just in time to see him flip a lever on the wall. A lingering potion falls from the dispenser, shattering on the floor. 

Instantly, I feel my body shutting down. My legs give out beneath me, my vision goes dark, each breath is a challenge. 

"Wh-wh-a-a", I gasp out. 

My entire body is screaming out for help, but I can't form any words. I can barely make out Dream's voice from behind the glass. 

"I've been working on this one for quite some time. It's a special combination of weakness, blindness, and a few extra secret ingredients". 

I am unable to respond, but he still continues. 

"The next round will drop in about 15 minutes, see you tomorrow!"


The only reason I knew life was still continuing was the new potion that dropped every 15 minutes, yet I'm still not sure I'm alive. Dream was last here 64 potions ago, he had given me a piece of bread. He told me that he was making good progress with his plans, that if all goes well, he won't need to keep me like this anymore. I can't even acknowledge his comment. 

I hear the outside door open. 64 drops? That's the fastest Dream has ever come back to check on me. 

I hear a voice, "Hello! Oh, who are you, I don't recall meeting you before!" 

It definitely was a new voice. I sit up and open my eyes, but I am unable to see who is talking to me. 

"Help... me... ple-". 

I collapse from the toll sitting up took. 

"Ok", the voice cheerfully responds, "I'll be back with great help!" 

6 potions later, the door opens again. 

"Ghostbur, this is Dream's house, no one here needs- wait y/n?" 

"Help", I breathe. 

The iron door opens and I hear Technoblade right next to me. He's coughing. "What the heck is he doing to you, what is this stuff?" I can feel myself getting lifted up by Techno, "come on, we need to get you out of here". As soon as we get outside, I am gasping for air. 

"Thank you", I whisper. 

"Yeah yeah, it's ok, you're ok", Technoblade murmurs back. "Ghostbur". 

"Yes?", a cheerful voice responds. 

"We're going home now". 


"Actually, wait a second". Technoblade sets me down. Next thing I know, I feel myself getting swaddled in a warm blanket. I'm then back in Techno's arms. "Ok, now we can go".

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