Chapter 29

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*~-~-~-~-~POV Y/n~-~-~-~-~*

"Wilbur's back and he has been endlessly tormenting me! He's constantly in my head, he's controlling the voices, he's- he's threatening me!" 

Despite every fiber of my being wanting to have a complete breakdown given my current situation, I somehow maintain a calm composure. "Techno", I say softly, "you could've told me". 

"No, that's the exact opposite of what I could have done." Technoblade meets my eyes. "He wasn't threatening my well-being, he was threatening yours." 

My stomach sinks. "He what?" 

"Wilbur has been speaking to me through the voices, telling me that if I couldn't break Dream out, he would kill you." Technoblade pauses and faces away from me. "But then- he spoke to me again a few days later. He told me that clearly, I must not care about your life because I was taking too long to break out Dream. So he instead said that he would mess with our reality or the weird script thing to make you indefinitely hate me instead." 

Technoblade meets my eyes once again and my heart breaks to see the amount of emotion behind them, almost like they were the only weak point in his always stoic composure. I can't find words to help the situation, so instead, I go in for a hug which Technoblade returns immediately. I was so hyper-focused on Technoblade upon entering the cell I almost forgot about its original occupant. 

"Never thought I'd see the day you care about something more than that stupid horse of yours", Dream comments snarkily. 

I feel Technoblade stiffen and release me from our hug. "You listen here", Technoblade says, standing up and staring down Dream. "If you so much as look at her funny, I will not hesitate to kill you." 

"Oh, but I won't even have to. You said it yourself, she's already dead because you failed to break me out of here. Even if you kill me, Wilbur will get to her." 

Dream begins to laugh maniacally and I look up to see Technoblade staring down at me. The eyes that seconds ago shone brightly with passion and fierce determination were now filled with fear and guilt. 

"Don't listen to him", Technoblade tells me. "I won't let some dead ghost angry about his unsuccessful fanfiction come in here and hurt you." 

"Ouch, that was a low blow, even for Techy", a new voice says almost echoing off the walls. 

Technoblade stiffens at the words and I blink in disbelief. "He's here", Dream laughs, "HE'S HERE!"

Wilbur appears standing beside Dream looking just like how he did when he revealed to me he was the ruler of this world. "Hello, did you miss me?" 

I stand up, staying close to Techno, readying myself for anything. "No. In fact, I thought we made it pretty clear we didn't want you here." 

Wilbur chuckles, "glad to see that you still haven't lost that fire of yours." 

"What do you want from us", I snap.

Wilbur raises an eyebrow. "So self-centered are we? I'm not even here for you. We'll save that fun for a different day." 

"Then", says Dream, "what are you doing here?" 

Wilbur turns to face him, "I actually wanted to speak to you!" 

Dream looks confused by this. "About what? This isn't part of the plan!" 

"I have a new idea", Wilbur says cooly. "I want you to revive me." 

"Right now?" 


Dream narrows his eyes suspiciously. "You said I wouldn't have to do that until after I was broken out. How do I know you won't abandon me in here after I revive you?" 

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