Chapter 14

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"Yeah, what are we going to do about them", another voice jeers. 

"Guys! Listen, we are all on the same side now!", Tommy yells. 

"But you're a traitor!"
"You blew up the community house!"
"This is all your fault!"

The insults from the crowd were rolling in. I watch as they shake Tommy's confidence. 

"LISTEN TO HIM!", I scream over everyone. "Tommy is one of the most loyal people to L'manberg, yet here you all are ready to cast him aside, even at the time when you need help the most! Tommy just left Technoblade- the only person who was kind to him since his exile- to prove his loyalty. And, Tommy was NOT the one who blew up the Community House, I have been living with him and he never left my side!" 

Someone with dark sunglasses emerges from the crowd to directly address me. "But why should we listen to you?" 

"Because I have nothing. Nothing that is, besides Tommy. The few other people I have met in this world just publicly abandoned me. Tommy is the only loyal person I know, and he has told me of the ample opportunities and friends I will find here in L'manberg. And besides, Eret", I say facing back the man in sunglasses, "you of all people should be an advocate for traitors receiving second chances". 

Eret gives me a silent, but knowing nod. I survey the crowd, looking for anyone else who wishes to voice a complaint, but I see no one else. I turn to Tommy and give him a reassuring smile and gesture for him to give his speech. 

"Listen everyone", Tommy yells to the crowd. "We don't have time anymore to complain- we don't have time anymore! Every awful thing that has happened, put it all to the side right now, alright? Everything- everything to the side". 

"Tommy, I have something to say", Punz interrupts. "I think Dream is taking this too far. L'manberg is a free country and a part of history, we need to stop him and do whatever it takes. You have me on your side for this". 

"You know what, Punz", Tommy says, "you're right". He thanks Puns and then turns back to the crowd. "Here's what we are going to do", Tommy begins. "Three chests: weapons, armor, supplies. Everyone contributes to everything because tomorrow I don't know what is going to happen. I do know though, that I have messed up, but you have all messed up too! But let's put that to the side for our common ground here: L'manberg. Alright? Please, everyone. We have one day. There is not time- there is not time. We can't afford to mess this up. This is the only time when there is not enough time now. So please, I don't care what your differences are. I don't care if you're the king, or if you're Ponk. Please, we've got to save L'manberg".

A few 'for L'manbergs' rise from the crowd. 

Tommy continues, "if Dream takes L'manberg, what is to stop him from taking everything else?"

The crowd gives some cheers of approval; however, Niki tries to yell at Tommy and blame him for everything that has happened, but Tommy stands up for himself. 

"None of you know what I had to go through at exile. You all think Dream is some normal person, but no. He is one of the most messed up psychopaths I know. But, that was not me, I did not blow up the Community House". 

"Swear on the discs then", the crowd suggests. "You swear on the disks and we will follow you". 

Tommy hesitates but proceeds to swear on his discs. Everyone cheers. 

"Is this a revolution?", Ponk asks. 

"This isn't a revolution, this is Dooms Day".


Tommy and I are at his embassy, grabbing some gear to help supply the members of L'manberg for the upcoming fight. "You know y/n, I really couldn't have gotten this far without you", Tommy says, breaking the silence. 

Stick to the ScriptOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora