Chapter 10

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I roughly hit the ground. 

"Again", Technoblade says, his voice lacking any emotion. 

I grunt with frustration and turn and see Technoblade looming behind me, looking unimpressed. 

We have been at it for hours. All day, every day, Techno and I practice fighting. At first, it was fun and interesting: listening to the strategies and ideas that Technoblade developed for combat, practicing with mobs, and proper weapon training. Then began the one-on-one combat. I spent all day getting battered and bruised by Techno. Nonetheless, I refuse to give up. 

I stand up, my eyes ablaze. 

"Come on, y/n, we aren't moving on until you master this move". 

I let out a battle cry and swing my sword at him. Technoblade easily parries it. 

"Y/n, that's not what we're working on-" 

I don't let him finish the thought. I lift my leg and kick his chest as hard as I can. Technoblade looks shocked as he topples over. I quickly swing my sword, placing it under his chin. We both stare at each other, the only thing breaking the silence was our heavy breathing. 

"Huh", he let out, shocked. 

"I'm going inside to take a break", I declare. 

Technoblade awkwardly looks up at me from under my sword. "Sounds good." 

I put away my sword and offer Techno a hand. When he takes it, I pull him up. We walk inside to find Philza chuckling. 

"I warned you not to push her too hard, she just used all her anger to destroy you." 

"Shut up Phil", Techno mumbles embarrassed. 

Tommy comes shooting out of the basement. "Did I just hear that Techno got wrecked by y/n?" 

I laugh. 

"Are you kidding me, I've been watching every other day bored, and the one time- THE ONE TIME- that I wasn't watching, it got interesting", Tommy rants. 

"I offered this training to you too, Tommy", Techno interjects. 

"Psh- I don't need training, I got you guys. Besides, I'm already awesome", Tommy says with a cocky grin plastered on his face.

Everyone rolls their eyes. 

"Ok then, Tommy", I begin, getting an idea. "You and me, right now, let's go". 

"What?", he stammers. 

"Let's fight! I want to see how my skills have improved", I say. 

"Well let me stop you there, I don't lose, especially not to a woman." 

I raise my eyebrows. "I'm gonna make you eat those words." 

Philza and Technoblade laugh. 

We all go outside to the open field where Tommy and I are given equal items. Philza counts down and we begin the fight. Tommy and I start off circling each other. Then, with lighting speed, I strike. Tommy is disarmed in a matter of seconds. 

"Wha-?", he sputters. 

I cackle, "what did you say about never losing to women?" 

Philza and Technoblade are gasping for air while laughing. 

Tommy whips to look at them. "You know what, Techno, I don't want your lessons. I'm gonna learn from y/n because I love and respect women." 

I snort, "Ok Tommy, I'll try my best". 

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