Chapter 31

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*~-~-~-~-~POV Tommy~-~-~-~-~*

I huff in annoyance. It's been weeks since y/n has been over and I've been so bored. I make my way over to y/n's house for the umpteenth time, hoping that this time she'll actually be home. I knock on the door and wait. When there is no immediate response, so I turn around to walk home. As I'm leaving the cottage to go back on the Prime Path, Technoblade comes barreling down the path and nearly mows me down. 

"Ay! Watch where you're going!", I snap. 

Technoblade turns wildly to face me. "Tommy! Have you seen y/n?" 

"Uh... no?" 

"She must still be in there", Technoblade mutters, turning away from me. 

I quickly jump in front of him, blocking his way. "Wait you know where she is? Dude, you have to tell me, it's been forever!" 

"She's in the prison", Technoblade responds, making his way to y/n's front door. He reaches into his inventory and produces a key which he unlocks the front door. "Come in, I need to explain some things to you". 

Technoblade holds the door open for me and I walk in. "Actually Techno, I think she has some explaining to do". 

Technoblade walks in behind me to see y/n hunched over a desk writing furiously on parchment. "HEH? Y/n, how did you get out of jail". 

Y/n looks up as if inconvenienced by our presence."Oh, Dream killed me". 

"He what", Technoblade growls. 

"No, it's fine, really. I was revived and Sam let me out soon after because he felt bad". 

"How did none of us hear about this", I ask incredulously. 

"Sam didn't tell anyone, and I promised not to tell anyone else if he helped me with something". 

"You really promised not to tell people that Dream killed you? Isn't that important information for persecuting him?" 

Y/n pauses to think. "Maybe I'll have to discuss new terms with Sam". 

"What did you even get out of him for this? What could possibly be worth it?" 

"He's helping me build something", y/n says cryptically. 

"Is that what all those papers are for?", I point out. 

Y/n's eyes widen and she tucks the papers behind her back. "Maybe, but that's not for you to see quite yet". 

Technoblade narrows his eyebrows. "How long have you been out of prison working on this stuff? Why didn't you tell anyone sooner?" 

"I just got out this afternoon and my head is a little disconnected feeling. I'm sure Tommy can agree that he felt at a loss of what to do when he was first revived". Both eyes turn to focus on me. 

"Uhhh yeah, I felt a little funny in the head after being revived for sure". 

Y/n nods and turns back to face Technoblade who still seemed skeptical about this whole situation. 

"And what was this you felt like designing in secrecy?", Technoblade questions. 

"Well it is supposed to be a surprise but I guess I can clue you in... it's going to be a party hall!"

"That's sick! When is it being built? Can I help design it? Wait- why are you throwing a party?" 

"After dying I have a greater appreciation for life and all the people who are in my life. I wanted to throw a party to celebrate all of the friends and family I have". 

Technoblade relaxes. "That seems like a great idea".

*~-~-~-~-~POV Wilbur~-~-~-~-~*

I close my eyes, humming. 

Y/n quit struggling several days ago. Every now and then when I went near one of her friends she would lash out, but it has been weaker each time. She was no longer fighting. Instead, she pleaded. She bargained. She begged

It felt good having a loose end tied down- y/n had been really messing up all of my efforts beforehand. However, I was not finished. 

I had a whole world of people who needed to be reset into their intended storyline. I continue to hum as I guide y/n's body through the dark underground cavern I've been having her hollow out. When it is finished, this structure will be able to kill off every member of the SMP instantly, allowing them to be transferred to my realm where I can reclaim their lives as my own. Then I'll reset the script and all can return to normal. 

I navigate her to the surface only to find Sam waiting for us. "I'm here to help. What's going on down there?" 

Y/n shrugs her shoulders casually. "I was checking for a cave to prevent monsters from spawning. I then realized maybe I could use that space for building a secret club or something".

Sam nods his head. "Sounds like fun".

I smile and wave my hand for y/n to speak. "Oh, it will be".


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Thank you for all of constant love and support after I post each chapter <3

Ily all and will be seeing you soon...


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