Chapter 17

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I think something is wrong with me.

Dream spends a ton of time with me talking, playing various games, and helping me communicate- but when I'm left alone all I hear are voices. 

They are tame when people are around, but the second I find myself alone they begin shouting. Half of them scream at me to stop getting comfortable with Dream and the other half scream I should betray everyone and stay with Dream. Sometimes I hear others who just seem to scream whatever they feel like, further obscuring my understatement of what is happening. One time at dinner Dream mentions that he found a beehive that we can look at and the voices start chanting Tubbo's name. 

Are these voices what I think they are? It's impossible- it doesn't make any sense! I'm not a streamer, or I wasn't one before I came to this world. 

My voice has started to recover since my injury. At first, I couldn't speak above a whisper, but now I can speak for small durations at a time before my throat begins to feel sore. Because of my still limited ability to talk, I have yet to confront Dream about letting me go. I now know, thanks to Philza, that L'manberg is gone and it's Dream's fault. I refuse to forgive him. 

Dream has left the house, unknowingly leaving me alone with my thoughts... or voices. I check one last time to make sure Dream is gone before letting out a shaky 'hello'. The voices grow excited. 

Is she talking to us?
🦀L'manberg is gone🦀
Where did Dream go?
Hello! :)

"Chat?", I ask uncertainly aloud. 

The voices' different responses seem to narrow down into a 'yes?'

I'm losing it. What has come over me to make me speak to the voices in my head? I've gone insane. No... you know who could help me and tell me if I really was going crazy?


Dream spends long durations of time out of the house. I notice his absence but choose not to mention it to keep him from getting upset with me. I remember what Philza told me- that he wouldn't help me escape. Guess I'll escape and find out if Technoblade will be willing to help me by myself. 

Dream eats breakfast with me and when he finishes, says that he is leaving to work on something. 

"What are you working on?", I ask. 

Dream looks back at me, not expecting my question. "I'm making a new home". 

"Can I see it?" 

He laughs, "Not yet. It isn't finished. When it's finished though, I'm sure you'll come by it at some point". 

I smile, "Ok".

Dream leaves and tells me he will be back for dinner. I smile and wish him luck in building his new home. I wait patiently for five minutes to make sure he hasn't forgotten anything. When he doesn't come back, I leap into action. I quickly collect the secret ender pearls, food stash, and weapon collection I've been making. I then run out the door in the direction I saw Philza go when he would leave after visiting. 

After a bit of walking, I reach a familiar snowy biome. I hasten my pace, getting nervous. The voices get louder as well. 


The voices are so distracting that I don't even hear the person coming up behind me until they clear their throat. 

"Uh- hello?" 

I leap back in surprise. 

"Sorry!", Ranboo apologizes. "I didn't mean to scare you!" 

"It-it's ok", I say shakily, still recovering from the scare. 

Stick to the ScriptOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora