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AN: I wrote this late so I will fix it up in the morining but if there are spelling errors I'm sincerely sorry. Thanks for reading little nugget.
  "You just watch after this for me, my third favorite suit right there." I laughed lightly, knowing, she'd take care of it she always did.

  "You know it peanut." She took the dry cleaning from me with a warm smile.

  She is a sweet older lady probably near her early 60s. She has smile lines like that's what she has been doing all her life time, smiling. Her clothes always ironed with patterns you'd expect from an older lady. Patterns that don't necessarily match but somehow suit her. Her hair pulls back into a ponytail where chunky curls lay, within her thin salt and pepper hair.

"I have so much to do tomorrow." I huff to myself already knowing today was a piece of pie but I have loads to do tomorrow.

"You'll get it all done you always do. If you don't I mean I guess they sky will just fall won't it." She said back to me, with a smile. She took my clothes walking them to the rack behind her. She may be older but also had her sarcastic qualities.

Just more like a sarcastic sloth.

"No, It won't. If it does I just hope a big piece of it takes me out." I say with amusement spreading my arms to the sky and leaning my head backwards for dramatics.

"I'll go right along with you." She chuckles as she gives me the receipt.

"Thanks, see you soon." I know I won't see her till tomorrow when I have to pick up.

I look down at my phone seeing the bold text: COFFEE SHOP NOW ITS AN EMERGENCY!!

"Great" I said under my breath. I drove to the coffee shop while scenarios played through my head. What if it really was bad? Like a fire or something. I probably look crazy storming out of my car to the doors.

I hit the doors swinging them open while I breathed heavily I looked around the room to see everyone now staring at me. The breath in my lungs faint as I panted like a gorilla. My eyes scanned the room quickly looking for the emergency till I saw him his tall form and tattooed arms. My eyes almost fall to my toes as I screamed slapping my hand over my mouth to make the sound stop and ran back out the door. Just as fast as I came I was gone.

I ran until I saw an alley way. Turning and sitting on the cement. I put my head in my hands. What the actual heck? Harry styles was in my coffee shop. Well...not mine but the coffee shop I stop at almost every morning. I take my head out of my hands and put one over my forehead, just checking my temperature cause I may have to call a doctor if I see any other hallucinations. Looking at the cracked cement beneath me. Maybe I just didn't see it right maybe it wasn't him.

Problem is I know it was him. Because I had watched every interview, music video, even Live performances I wasn't even there for. I knew it was him from his emerald eyes to his white vans.

I turned to the wall behind me. It was a regular old brick wall. The strong sturdy type, the solid kind I fist bumped it.

"Are you okay?" That accent. It was him I'm not crazy. My hand fell back into my lap as I stared at the wall.

I didn't look at him I just kept my eyes straight forward on the wall in front of me. I don't need to look, I know what he looks like I know his voice like the back of my hand. I know his birth place and even his blood type.

"Erm, Yup, no yeah, yes. I just really like screaming and running, my favorite past time really." I said speaking to the wall while my hands shook, I clutch them together to make the wavering more slight.

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