18. This is gross.

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Harry's POV, It's always interesting to write for him this is a bit of a filler. Watch out for song references 🥰

Hey, Carmel cake enjoy <3


Harry's POV:

  Here we are again different bar same people. She is out there once again swaying her hips to the beat. Her hair cascading down her back as she moves. I smile from this distance, I like watching her enjoy herself.

"You're her bitch now." Mitch speaks from beside me. I roll my eyes glancing at him and back to her. Sarah absent from the booth for the moment.

"Oh shut up Mitch, go drool over Sarah or something." I crack back glancing at him. That shuts him up right well. I turn my eyes to him sipping from my glass.

"Have you talked to her yet?" My jaw clenches a weight added. My leg beginning to bounce beneath the table.

"No not yet, I will though." My voice echos in the cup as I set it down. My eyes reach the crowd spotting her like a beam of light is always pointing her out to me. She turns facing me, catching my eyes a large smile on her face.

   She waves me over, I just shake me head at her in dismissal, the rough shove that almost throws me from my seat making me stumble forward. She grins walking as if on a tight rope towards me. I look back at Mitch he's fake whistling whilst looking away. She tugs lightly on my hand bring my attention back to her.

  "Dance with me." She pleas the corners of her mouth tugging down causing my gut to clutch.

"Fine," I wouldn't mind so much but being sober and dancing is not as fun as being black out drunk like my little lady here.

  "Yessss!" She slurs an arm almost punching me in the face from how she raises it in the air.

  "One dance." I grin at her enthusiasm.

  "Oh yeah!" She tugs me to the floor excitedly.

My mind filling with a haze from her brown flowing hair. It's enough to get me drunk sober her hands on my body and her head thrown back into my chest. Makes me grin the music muffled as I watch her shine. She's so pretty when she's happy. When she shuts her eyes and feels the music. She's intoxicating my blood stream with those hands.


I walk away for five minutes and she's passed out. She's probably tired she said it was a lot of paper work today. I stroll up to the table seeing her head on her folded arms. The alcohol probably isn't helping the drowsiness either.

"Said she was just shutting her eyes for 'a minute' while you were gone." Mitch shouts over the beat. The music that is blaring through the place. She sleeps like a log I swear I could start banging pans and she wouldn't wake up.

"Of course she did." I roll my eyes at her understatement of the century. "I was heading home anyways." I loop my arm under her knees shuffling her up into my arm. "I'll be in touch."

"In touch Harry I'll see you tomorrow stop acting like some A-list celebrity." Mitch chuckles in his seat nudging Sarah.

"To busy being whipped for us now Mitch." Sarah adds only making him crack up more.

"Yeah yeah say what you want." I turn from them walking towards the exit. I glance down at her seeing her bare feet. "Where are your shoes?" I huff under my breath turning around to see them sitting in the booth. I stalk back to the table grumbling to myself. I can't lean with her in my arm and grab them, Sarah assists me while Mitch just watches. "Okay seriously bye." I rush off once more, her heels in my hand. Once outside in the air I walk to my car.

Until next time {H.S.}Where stories live. Discover now