20. If its not something you can fix dont be sorry.

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A.N: hey there first of all

!Trigger warning!
Verbal abuse?

I appreciate all the reads and comments and votes and all that more than you guys realize I try to make words worth reading so I appreciate you guys so much. Even you little ghost readers (that's what I call the people who don't say much or vote or whatever)

You can play song now.

Alright rose buds enjoy.


Roslyns POV:

The gun sits in my hand raised straight at her a solemn expression on my face. She smiles at me, she knows it's coming and she welcomes it. The park around us empty of people, grass beneath my feet trees scatter the background fuzzily.

  "Do it." She whispers taking that step closer my finger on the trigger.

   I'm calm here a slight breeze whipping past. My finger slipping the trigger back, a quick motion. The bullet faster then my eyes can follow, it pierces right through her skull quickly dropping to the floor. A door bursting through the dirt between us.

  I walk to it turning the knob pushing it open the vivid image there once again. She lays in her own blood pills on the floor. I walk deeper in the door, a loud slamming behind me causing me to whip my head at it.

  Though when I look back in front of me it's no longer the horrid bathroom I've come to know but my family's dining table. Like a single spot light on the table all I can see is the two people sitting and the table set for four, a seat vacant for me. I go to take my seat, seeing what seems to be me already walking to the chair, at the two people I call parents.

  "How could you let this happen to her?" My mother begins. "You are her big sister you are supposed to keep her safe." She sobs.

  "I'm sorry mom." My own voice echos. I look at the porcelain plate not a bite taken from it not able to stomach the substance.

  "Now you are just going to leave us for college again, like you left her." She stands from her seat walking out of the door I entered from. My father in tow a soft pat on my shoulder as some type of reassurance. I watch a reflection of me slowly fade the click of a door closing behind them as I stare straight into the dark background.

  "I think it will be good for all of us." I hear my dads muffled voice through the paper thin walls.

  "To leave us after what she did." She screams right back.

"I'm sorry I killed her mum." It's calm and empty. I cover my ears tired of the sounds of their constant bickering.

  "That's not true care bear." He says it's quiet and distant.

  My eyes flash alert and awake. Arms wrapped around me. Heart beating out of my chest as I can feel the moisture of my skin. I squirm alarmed by the constrictive feeling. My breathing shallows as I try to breath. I white knuckle his shirt in my palms. Fingers digging into my palms as I release him.

  "Hey, hey Rosey it's just me." His arms loosen from me. I slide out of the embrace everything is trapping me. I move the sheets and comforter from me as if it's hot coals on my skin. Sitting up against the headboard. My hands thread into my hair while my knees come to my chest.

  "I'm sorry." I breath out trying to keep it together. I hate this. My hands shake worse as I think it over. They have been worse lately and I know it's the stress. I've been scraping everything together it's all a lot right now.

  "Don't be sorry Rose it's okay. Breath in....out....in...out. It's not your fault." My breathing is almost non existent. I shut my eyes trying to focus on breathing instead of the million other things going on. "Rose." I'm drifting, air ways clogged. "Care bear look at me." I fight my eyes open he sits in front of me legs crossed. His head lowered to my eye line. "Hi, you are doing amazing." His head tilts in sincerity.

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