16. So cheesy.

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Hey you beautiful porcupines. This is a mostly filler chapter. Also I apologize for the long wait.

I hope you enjoy this chapter play the song whenever honestly.


Roslyns POV:

We didn't speak much on the topic of my dream or the phone call at all the rest of that day. In fact we took full advantage of the day laying on the couch all bundled up watching a movie. He was an actual koala bear most the day clinging to me. I think he felt bad about the night before, not that he showed it much in his words but his actions sure did.

The look on his face when he came to the coffee shop the next morning with his slightly wavy hair made me want to burst. His elated smile indenting his flushed cheeks from the slight cold. He'd made sure to call and check I was alright, I wouldn't let him sleep over again I knew he was just being worrisome. The day before we lazed on the couch watching something that I wasn't quite focused on. I wasn't expecting the question that he did ask.

"I'm preforming on the graham norton show." He'd said his eyes trained on my face instead of the tv.

"I'm sure you'll be amazing." The information confusing to me at the time.

"Would you come?" He became all nervous like averting my eyes and such.

"Ugh, not the Harry Styles asking me to see him preform. I'll check my calendar, I guess." I exaggerated rolling my eyes.

"You're. so. funny. haha." He remarked rolling his eyes at me. It wasn't my fault, did he really think I'd tell him 'no'? "But seriously? Will you?"

"Do you want me there?" I'd questioned he seemed unsure of himself. His soft nods wiped the worry in my head clean. "Then I'll be there." A small blush creeped up his face softly as he looked at me.

That brought me to now standing outside my door yet again in a dress this one more loose fitting in a silk. I'm dressed already standing on my porch when I hear it.

"Hey, Roslyn." My neighbor begins.

Just like that my will to live vanishes.

"Oh hey, Craig." I smile politely glancing down at my phone and sliding it into my purse.

"Where you off too seems like a fun time?" Craig is a fairly sweet guy he is home a lot, doesn't have a job but I'm pretty sure, his now passed mother has enough money in her will for him to be fine without one.

"Oh you know the usual." I laugh lightly.

"Oh you know how it is for me night in with the kittens. Micheal just had her kittens and one of them already has ripped through my People's magazine." Some might think he's joking when he says 'fun night in' but knowing him I know he's serious he loves those cats.

Good for him I guess.

"Man, that's a dozy." I purse my lips together. Praise the lord hallelujah. Harry pulls up rolling the window down. My knight in black rimmed sunglasses. I smile at him making my way to the car.

"Anyways, have a good night out. I'll have to tell you more about it next time."

"Oh for sure." I smile softly leaning in the car through open windows.

"Hi, I'll be your Uber my names Harry feel free to rate me five stars." We laugh softly at his goofing around. "Ready to go care bear?" He smirks looking at me.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I mutter getting in.

"Who you talking to?" He questions 'nonchalantly'.

Until next time {H.S.}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin